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View character profile for: Serena

View character profile for: Vas

View character profile for: Cyd Skye

View character profile for: Mathias Skye
Skye Life: A Home for Vas Part 1
Mathias nodded shifted as the sharp ache in hs side radiated. “Maybe … just for a little while. We can make it work?” He said looking to his twin, his lip was already puff and the nose bleed had slowed down to an ooze.
At that point, Mathias could have asked her to let a dozen people live with them and she would have agreed. “We’ll make it work,” Cyd agreed.
Serena hugged Cyd tighter, and Cyd ruffled the girl’s hair. “You can make up Isaac’s room for him - for now, until we figure something out. It’ll be a tight fit,” she apologized to Vas. “We don’t have a lot of room.”
“It’s okay. I don’t take up much room.” Vas promised.
“Mathias make a pained face trying to sit up straiter. “So … about that Ice?” He aske hoping to lighten to mood a hair.
“I dropped it on the porch,” Serena said, hopping up. “I hope it didn’t melt!” she said, heading out to grab it.
Cyd offered a hand to Mathias to help him to his feet.
Mathias took that had grateful and he lurched up to his feet. “Why can we be like normal drug dealing families … “He grimiced toushing his now very tender ribs. “ the ones on TV they never get there ass kicked till they at least heal up.”
“Go lie down in my room,” Cyd ordered. “We’ll make you an ice pack or two, and you get some rest.”
Mathias nodded obidently, he hurt to much to argue. “Lemme just clean my face first.” He said limping off to the bathroom. “Were gunna need a bigger bat!” He joked.
“I would suggest a gun.” Vas said quietly to Cyd.
“Don’t push your luck,” Cyd whispered back.
Vas nooded, choosing to not do just that. Granted he was happy to be closer to Serena and in a nicer warmer place. He just may not have been thrilled on how it happened.
Serena took Vas to where he could stay. “It’s really Isaac’s room,” she told him. “Well, not so much a room as it is a closet. But see? You get your own light an’ everything. And there’s a socket. Don’t stick anything metal in it but a plug. Isaac did that half a dozen times so the bottom one doesn’t work any more, but it’s a nice place isn’t it? Look, I even tied a ribbon to the pull chain so you can lie in bed an’ turn the light on or off.”
“It’s perfect. Should I go get my stuff? It’s not a lot.” Vas reminded. “And you can ice up Mathias … also um … I may have found a roommate?” He hemmed and hawed.
“A roommate?” Serena asked, crestfallen. “Who?” She demanded, instantly jealous.
“Uuuuuuh … well … he’s about this big …” He said hold his hands out about 8 inches. “... and I found him yesterday in the trash. Mean little thing. Pretty sure he doesn't fleas. But he was so tiny I felt bad for him. Then he bite me and I felt less bad. But not so bad to just leave him there …” Vas rambled.
“Is it a cat?” Serena asked excitedly. “I hope it’s a cat!”
“A very tiney fluffy one. Did I mention he’s mean at hell and bites?” Vas said flatly. “You think Cyd might be mad?” He whispered as if she was lurking right around the corner.
“Absolutely,” Serena giggled. “Furious!”
Van made a face. “How can I keep an eye on him, he’s so noisy and demanding there’s no way we can sneak him.” He sighed thinking.
“Cyd an’ Mathias aren’t gonna let me have a cat,” Serena said, her shoulders dropping. “They barely let me have you, an’ you saved my life an’ my fingers from being cut off with a knife.”
“When were your finger at threat of being cut off?” Vas balked scratchinig his head.
“That’s what he told Mathias he’d do - send pieces.” She explained.
“Really?!” Vas said incensed. “I should of shot him twice.” He grumbled pouting like a child at the missed opportunity.
“I think he got the message,” Serena giggled. “But I also think he’ll be back.”
“You think so.” Vas said his tone taking on a cold edge, his eyes narrowed slightly flicking to the door.
“Well, yeah, you wounded his pride,” Serena told him. “So he’s gotta save face somehow.”
“You know his haunts?” Vas asked innocently.
“Course, this is the sprawl. There’s only so many haunts to be had.” She told him.
“Tomorrow you show me.” Vas said. “Today … can you help me bring my stuff over?”
“Course!” Serena said, brightly. “We’ll get you all settled in. I’m so glad you’re here, Puppy.”
Vas chuckled. “Maybe you’ll have better luck with the little furball from hell.” He said as they walk to his place, which was thankfully not far.
“Didja feed ‘em? Sometimes if you feed ‘em, they’re nicer to you.” Serena explained. “That’s how I found Mathias.”
“You fed him and he followed you home?” Vas asked as he jiggled the handle of the door to his not so legal apartment. He cracked the door slowly to see if the little gremlin was out and about.
“Nuh uh, I was hungry an’ I stole a sandwich from him. Technically it was half a sandwich,” she explained. “Then I followed him home.”
“I dunno what cat’s like. I tried to feed it some protein paste … and then a bit of sandwich. It seems to like turkey so far … it left the bread and tomato.” Vas explained letting Serena in.
“Here Kitty kitty kitty!” Serena called.
There was a lump under the blankets of the lump fith hand mattress on the floor Vas had found as kitten who was more fur then cat popped it’s head up meowing. It was a offwhite looking cat with big sulfer colored eyes blinking sleepily.
“Don’t get to close. It bites.” Vas warned in a whisper, eyeing the hobgoblin.
“He’s adorable!” Serena said, scooping him up as if he was a baby. “Hey kitty kitty!”
The kitty gave Serena the most pitiful meow, playfully batting at her shirt.
Vas narrowed his eyes glaring dagger at the manipulative little hellion and loomed over Serena to make sure it was sure it wasn’t buttering up Serena for a bite.
“See? He’s friendly!” Serena cooed.
Vas went to poke the mutant monster with a tentative finger. The little beast hissed and swiped at him claws out. “See!!” Vas said feeling vindicated. “I will put you back int he trash where I found you!” He threatened.
The kitten meow looking up at Serena wanting climb up higher.
“It’s okay Trashcat,” Serena told him. “Even if Cyd and Mathias won’t let me keep you, I’ll find a way to take care of you. Promise.”