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View character profile for: Serena

View character profile for: Vas

View character profile for: Cyd Skye

View character profile for: Mathias Skye
Skye Life - Not So Fast
Slide turned around with a grin, carrying the struggling teen less than gently by. Vas stood, framed by the doorway with an impassive expression, his blue and black eyes flicking quickly from Slide to Serena and back. Slide nearly crashed into the punk and was about to shout but all that came out was a choked gurgle after the quiet thud as Vas’s fist met the man's throat. Deftly he gently pulled Serena from the man’s grip wrapping a protective arm around her, then kicked the man over and sent him sliding to Arches feet. Vas already had his sleek black gun drawn and trained on Arch. “I can’t allow you to take Serena.” He said cooly, drawing back the hammer. “While I would find disposing of your body highly inconvenient, know that I would take great joy in torturing you for what you’ve done. But I do not wish to induce more trauma on her than you already have. I am not a forgiving person so you may now thank Serena for how lucky you are today. Go on. Pray. Be thankful. To her. Now.” He said motion his gun with a quick motion for Arc to obey, his face neutral and eyes focused.
“Whoa, easy, “ Arch said holding up both his hands, cowing his head despite his height. “All right, all right, I’m sorry - thank you”
“That’s not how you pray.” Vas warned, eyes narrowed to slits.
Arch clapped his hands in front of him in a classic prayer pose, his eyes on the blue eyed guard dog. “Thank you,” he said, more repentantly.
Serena clung tightly to Vas, her knees shaking as if they’d give way. “M...M...” she stammered. “Mathias!” she croaked in a harsh whisper.
“Shhhh … “ Vas soothed. “ … one more moment I promise.” He said in a warm voice. “Do not come uninvited again and if ever so much as look in her direction … I will pluck your eyes out and stuff them down your throat.” Vas warned his anger barely contained. “You put down everything you stole.” He said with a tick of his head to only other thugs standing. Vas’s aim never wavering from Arch.
Raven was pissed. This little punk motherfucker thinks he’s badass, Arch - fuck Arch. As Gene dropped all the loot he planned to use to party, Raven swung his pistol up towards the punk.
Vas shot Arch in the knee before swinging the gun toward Raven. Vas also covered Serena's eyes for good measure. “My generosity and patience is finite so control your man or I will end all of you here and now. Think carefully.” He warned.
Arch screamed and turned his pistol on Raven. Inside, Cyd clung to her brother.
“Fuck this,” Raven said, putting his hands up. “Fuck you all,” he added before turning tail and running.
“Go on, out.” Vas encouraged making room for them to escape. Once they had limped and crawled out Vas relaxed enough to let Serena go.
Serena held tightly to the boy she thought of her as her childhood friend and brother for a moment, dipping her head back to look into his blue eyes as she squeezed him in a hug.
Vas gave a soft smile down to Serena, his own protective grip loosening and letting her go.
Serena loosened her death grip, her hands still shaking. “Mathias!” She sobbed, running to her biggest brother.
Mathias winced and Serena threw herself at him. He warped an arm around her crushing her in a hug trying not to shake between the pain and rush of adrenaline.
Vas awkwardly stood there and holstered his gun.
Cyd knelt by her siblings, an arm around each, her face buried in Serena’s hair.
Serena looked back towards Vas and held out a hand for him.
Vas hemmed and hawed a bit feeling like he was intruding on a family moment and tentatively move closer to take Serena hand.
Cyd put her hand on top of Vas’, looking up to him in gratitude.
“I can … go … home or, uh …. Help clean up the mess.” Vas said uneasily.
“I don’t want you to go,” Serena said worriedly. “Did you see ‘em? I told you. I told you Vas was the best Hellhound there was, the bravest, and that he wouldn’t let nothing happen to me, ever.”