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View character profile for: Serena

View character profile for: Vas

View character profile for: Mathias Skye
The Ironwood Rave Wrap Up Part 3: Go Home
“They wanted to buy Carbon Copy,” Serena said. “And they acted super nice about it an’ they asked if you sold it and I said pfft no, on account of you don’t sell that but Trick had one, an’ then he didn’t but I did and you need a new couch.”
Mathias stood and it was hard to tell if the gears were turning in his head or if he was mentally blue-screened at the moment.
“She did warn you probably be happier not knowing.” Vas added trying to be helpful.
Mathias made a motion for Vas to shut up. “Let me just … make sure I understand this. You stole … Carbon Copy … and tried to sell it to a pair of dumbasses?”
“Trio. There were three dumbasses actually … and for a couch. Or money for a … ” Vas said getting quieter when Mathias glared at him. “.. yea.”
“I did warn you,” Serena said, parroting Vas. “That you would be happier not knowing, An’ you didn’t listen.”
“You tried to sell Carbon Copy. That you stole.” Mathias repeated slowly.
“For a couch,” Serena said, focusing on the more important aspect. “For you.”
“You tried to sell Carbon Copy.” Mathias said with a sharp exhale, desperate trying not to lose his temper. It was less a question at this point and more of a statement.
“But I didn’t,” Serena said. “An’ nothing happened, an’ Vas got my shoe back.”
Mathias took a deep breath trying not just angrily vomit his feelings out which would then be doused with instant regret. So he did the only thing he could do. He walked away. He didn’t want to say something he couldn’t take back so this, right now, seemed the only option. “Go home Serena.” He ordered stalking off.
“But Cyd said we were supposed to walk you home on account of so you don’t get jumped again,” Serena said, loping after him. “On account of safety in numbers. And…” she ticked her head for Vas to follow. “What about ice cream?”
Vas hurried to step up next to Serena quietly. Not wanting to make things any worse than they already were
“Enough! Go home. Stay home. Don’t leave home till either Cyd or I get back.” Mathias said angrily.
Serena shrank back behind Vas. Mathias didn’t use that voice often, and never to her. She held onto Vas’ shirt as Mathias stalked off. “I just wanted to buy him a new couch,” she whispered, once her brother was out of earshot. “An’ nothing bad happened.’
“I think you just scared him.” Vas reasoned.
“Mathias isn’t afraid of anything,” Serena said assuredly.
“Everyone is afraid of something. It’s not a bad thing. The more you got to lose the more there is to be afraid of.” Vas said as Mathias stalked off, a trail of smoke in his wake.