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View character profile for: Serena

View character profile for: Dogo

View character profile for: Cain

View character profile for: Mal
The Ironwood Rave - Accusations
“Carbon Copy? Where’d you get it?” Mal asked, eyeing the contents.
Serena quickly closed her hand around it, and rolled her eyes. She was no dummy, they’d cut out the middleman and then Mathias would still be without a couch. Besides. Snitches got stitches.
Cain read the situation and capitalized. “Rude.” He chastised Mal with a poke to the ribs.
“Yeah, rude,” Serena parroted, swinging her eyes back to Cain. Obviously, he was the nicer of the two.
“Don't mind Mal, he is a good guy but being the eldest makes him bossy sometimes.” Cain gave Mal a look. “Okay a lot of the times.”
“I’m the youngest,” Serena scowled, rolling her eyes. She wasn’t sure who was older, Cyd or Mathias, because they both had their bossy moments.
“Awesome so you know exactly what I mean! Are you big sibs here too?” Cain said trying to shift the mood to be more pleasant.
“Nuh uh,” Serena answered, looking to her left then back. They weren’t there in that exact spot, so technically it wasn’t a lie. She looked around for Vas, but didn’t see him by the Kandi table, and she scowled. No rave bunny better be messing with him!
“So it's just here by your lonesome?” Cain asked with an innocent tilt of his head.
“No,” Serena said quickly, “I mean, I know a lotta people here, like I said, I’m not new.” Never say you’re alone. Ever. No matter how alone you are! She looked around, but still didn’t see Vas. Cyd and Mathias - she was outright avoiding. Mathias would be pissed at her selling anything, and Cyd probably has a lecture on deck for just such an occasion. Serena pictured it like an old school recipe box. Cyd would flip through the cards… Ah. Here we are. Titled: Serena selling a drug she got from a randon raver. How could you be so irresponsible!” And the page would unfurl to be longer than any chapter book. “Are you here alone from Japan with your brothers?”
“Us? Naw we're staying with family.” Cain said smoothly. “But! Back to the task on hand. My bro tried to get some and he promised them double if they could deliver, they couldn't. Clearly you can … so well pay that and if you can deliver two more we'll play the same.”
Serena looked around again for signs of Cyd or Mathias. “Credits up front,” She said just like Mathias would. “And I’ll get you two more for your brothers.”
“Done!” Cain motioned to Mal to fork over the credits.
Serena looked between Cain and Mal. “Because it’s rude,” she said to no one. “No one takes pictures at a rave. Or video.”
Cain gave a confused look to Mal before looking back to Serena. “Sorry wut?”
“Your glasses,” she said, slightly narrowing her eyes. “You don’t hear them?”
Cain gave Mal another look. “Are …. Are you okay? I mean there’s music and you know people sounds …” He trailed off wondering if the kid was on something.
Mal shrugged to Cain, and held out a cred stick like it was candy.
Serena looked at the cred stick, then back to Cain. “You’re Jaggs!” She accused, backing away from them. “I don’t have anything!”
Cain balked at the accusation. “What? No! Why would you even think that?” He said clues as to what backflip the kid had made to come up with that. “Seriously, are you okay with you having a bad trip or something?”
Serena gave each of them another look. “Leave me alone!” She warned, slipping the baggie into her pocket and bolted, heading for the safety of the crowd.
Mal pointed one way to Cain, taking the other one himself. “Easy kid,” he called, “Dogo, may be headed your way.”
Cain bolted in the indicated direction.
“Finally …” Dogo huff quietly taking a position to intercept.