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View character profile for: Cain

View character profile for: Mal
The Ironwood Rave: Carbon Copy
“It’s a Lucy derivative. Full blow psyicdelic with a slower extended release, draws out the fun without overwhelming you like good ‘ol Lucy might.” Matthias said trading credit for two green pill in a clear baggie. “Happy trails.”
Mal looked at the pills and nodded. “You too, man.” He lowered his voice to speak over the music to his brother. “Struck out. You get anywhere?”
“Not yet. But someone’s got to know something.” Cain noted. “Most of the folk here are to high to be serious about anything. But the nights young and theres plenty of people to ply.” He said holding his hand out for the pill Mal bought. “Not for me … to ply the pretties with, unless you plan on scoring tonight.”
“Nah,” Mal said with a shake of his head. “We got work to do yet. Someone’s gotta know something about Carbon Copy.”
“I know something about Carbon Copy,” Serena said, moving closer to Cain.
Cain turned with a bright smile to the pigtailed teen. “You do? No one seems to have or know whos dealing?”
“Candyman is the only one dealing here,” Serena said proudly. “But not Carbon Copy. I got one though.”
Mal sank back, Cain seemed to have a handle on this.
“Oh yea? Are you selling then?” Cain ask curiously.
“Maybe.” Serena said. “How much does a new couch cost? A good one, that someone like the Candyman’s size could fit on lying down?”
Okay that threw Cain. “Uhh … I am sure … that if what you have is legit it is definitely worth a nice couch.” He has so many questions! “Why do we go to the side? So we can hear each other ?” Cain motioned.
Serena raised her eyebrow, she could hear him and the other two louder than the rest of the rave put together, but shrugged anyway. “Okay. Not too far though, on account of I gotta keep in sight.”
“Sure. Mal you coming?” Cain motioned leading the way. “So you know Candyman? IS that who you're keeping in sight of?” He asked as the step the side where it was a litt more quiet and out of the way.
“Everyone knows Candyman,” Serena said brightly, choosing a Kandi from her wrist for Caine as Mal trailed behind.
“Were kind of new to the scene, still getting a feel for things. Me and my brothers are from Japan.” Cain explained.
“Oh! Well, I’m kind of old to it,” Serena told him, holding up her arm in half a heart for him. “Trick’s new too. You can tell on account of he just uses a plain old nickname instead of a ravename. Sidebar, if he asks if you want to see his most painful tattoo - you do not.”
“I … am not curious enough to ask.” Cain admitted. “So? Your CC, sounds like you only got one right?”
“How many do you need?” Serena asked cryptically.
“Ideally three, you know, one for me and two brothers. It's been enough finding a dealer to get one much less three.” Cain explained. “You get a genuine hook up?”
Serena shrugged, not sure if she burned that bridge or not. “How much would you pay for three? Right now I only got the one.” She pulled a small plastic baggie from the waistband of her shorts, showing him the coal black pill it contained.