Olin: Open Your Eyes

Neither had gotten much sleep when they made it back to Olin’s penthouse. It was well into the afternoon and the shades were drawn to keep the light out and the pair were curled under blankets that cost more than what the Skye collectively could make in a year.

Olin's arm was draped over Cyd’s hip as he inched closer for maximum cuddling promising himself a few more minutes. Nice beds were better when they were being shared.

Cyd’s fingertips lightly traced over the tattoo on Olin’s arm, noting how well it blended with her own. His seemed iridescent, high end, the kind that changed color, or at his whim, blended in with his skin entirely. Her aqua hair fanned over his chest, his heart beating in contrast with the loop still softly playing from his synthesizer and she gave a small content sigh as she watched him sleep.

“I had a really good dream …” Olin murmured, kissing the top of Cyds head, his arm holding her just a little tighter.

“Were you a world famous DJ, dropping beats by the Eiffel Tower while a horde of French girls and rave boys screamed your name?” Cyd teased, nuzzling against his chest.

“Tempting but no …” Olin chucked. “Iceland on Halloween. Everyone was painted up like skeletons dancing to some dark beats, the Northern Lights were on full display and you were dropping tracks looking like some techno Valkyrie. It was pretty damn hot.”

“Black track lighting on the ground, neon body paint,” Cyd said dreamily, before giving it more thought. “That would be killer. Northern Lights rave, black out a warehouse, fuck, would cost a fortune though, dry ice and fans for atmosphere, projected lights, too rich for my blood. And my skin and bones, too,” she snickered. “But damn, that would be amazing.”

“Iceland is too nice to be inside. Go to Diamond Beach, the ultra-clear Ice, the black sand … “ Olin said. “Lights would make the glow. It would be a hell of a party. Getting the permits would be a bitch but so worth it.”

“I meant here, goof,” Cyd teased, tracing the tattoo on his chest down to his stomach. “Throw an Iceland themed rave here, in the sprawl or in the city, Neon Northern lights.”

“Oh, Shit ... here I was thinking of going to Iceland.” Olin chuckled. “Neither are bad ideas …” He said innocently.

“One is more possible than the other,” Cyd said in a teasing voice testing to see how ticklish his belly was.

Olin giggled now trying to squirm away. “Hey!” He squeaked smiling. “Maybe I'll just whisk you away then? Rave around the world.”

“Mmmm,” Cyd agreed, softly planting kisses on his stomach where she’d tickled. “ Impossible, but that would be my dream.”

“Why can’t it be possible?”Olin inquired trying not to sigh contently from her kisses.

“You’re joking, right?” Cyd asked, moving to straddle his waist, her breath starting to get more shallow.

“About whisking you to Singapore and having you drop beats at a highrise rave? No. I’m dead serious. We could go, leave in the afternoon, be there early evening, party till the sun rises grab pizza in Italy and be back here Monday morning.” Olin said as if that was a perfectly normal and reasonably thing to do. “Unless you prefer something French?”

“You know I can’t do that,” Cyd said, keeping her eyes fixed on the tattoo on his chest. “Olin, I’m not a citizen, I can’t just leave.”

“I’ll get you pass.” Olin said as if were nothing. “You’re not going to be traveling with just any handsome and charismatic somebody.” He joked. “Think of it like a business trip, you are not just going to a party you getting your name out there. They like you they won’t care where you are from or what the cost is they want you they’ll pay.”

Cyd giggled, until she realized he was being serious. “You’re not joking,” she stated, pulling a sheet up and around her body. “Olin, they don’t …. I’m undocumented,” she said as if that clarified everything. “Even if I leave Arkangel, nowhere else will let me in. There is no one to give a pass to, because I’m undocumented.”

“Cyd, a lot of people are undocumented.” Olin shrugged. “I mean sure if you were alone that would happen but you not alone and you not just going anywhere with just anyone.” He said looking a little puzzled as to why she should even be worried.

Cyd raised an eyebrow. “You think with a citizen ‘chaperone’ the outcome would be different?” she asked.

“I … think when your traveling with someone who is part an international conglomerat of NordicTech going to the second riches families son in Singapore … yes, the outcome is monumentally different.” Olin nodded.

Cyd chucked and shook her head. “That would be a dream, Olin, an amazing dream, bu even if I could leave, I can’t leave. I have work at the diner, Serena would have to make the rounds with Mathias or stay with her hobo.” She went back to tracing his tattoos. “We’re from different worlds,” she said, stating the obvious. “You wouldn’t understand. You shouldn’t have to understand.”

“But … its just a week-” But the word died right in his mouth and struggled to not look a little crestfallen. He was aware of people struggles but he also was not immune to disconnection of reality people in his position suffered from. Olin liked to think he was somewhat grounded but he had his moments. “-well … maybe think about it?” He asked already knowing the answer. “If things change.” Olin stipulated. They wonden’t but he could at least pretend they might.

Cyd climbed off him and sat on the edge of the bed, still draped in his sheet. “If what changes? Olin, my entire apartment would fit in this room, with space to spare,” She told him, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Being poor, dirt poor, she was used to it, but trying to explain it was humiliating. “You have an entire room for your sound equipment. I have a sibling that sleeps in a closet, a closet we use to store other things. This sheet,” the one that felt absolutely luxurious against bare skin, “probably cost more than everything in my apartment combined. You have an entire room for a table and chairs for dinner parties, and I have a folding table jammed in the kitchen that prevents two drawers from fully opening. If I don’t work, I don’t get paid, and even with Mathias’ drug money we’re barely scraping by. We’re always a day away from being evicted or having something turned off. A week would set me back months trying to catch up. I like spending time with you, and I think you have some amazing, raw, sexy talent when it comes to music. I can live vicariously through you and the experiences you get to have, but I also… if you’re looking to have someone experience them alongside you. Olin, that’s not who I can be.”

“I’m wasn’t looking to change you or anything or … I … thought … Is there anyway I can say something that won’t come off sounding like a total ass?” He asked feeling a little frozen and tense inside. It would be a lie to say this wasn’t a point of contention he had run into before.

Cyd softened, her shoulders relaxing. “You could never sound like a total ass,” she admitted. “I’m happy for all you have, and all you get to do. I’m happy for me, that I sometimes get to have you. Not just in bed, I mean, yeah, definitely, in bed, because that a huge perk to me, but I mean because I can share music with you. We can talk tracks and you aren’t just listening for the sake of trying to crawl into my bootie shorts. You have it Olin - a talent, and one of us should get to share it with the world. If not me, I’m happy it’s you.”

“Don’t distract me with your booty shorts.” He said trying the break his own anxiety with a little humor. “I don’t want to be a either you or me thing. I just think sometimes what you need is an opportunity and deserve an opportunity.” He was almost childlike in his tone, opportunities were a dime a dozen, deals and trade secrets were swapped back and forth all the time in a back room doing bumps of Glitter. “You have just as much talent, you just a chance to really shine.”

“You mean more talent,” Cyd teased, tossing her hair over her shoulder, dissolving into a giggle to show she was kidding. “DJ Digi Kitty is PLURnt.” She dropped the sheet to raise her hands up, nodding her head to a non existent beat.

Olin laugh ed dragging her back into the bead by the waist. “Definitely more talented. But think about? Maybe not this time or next time … but sometime?” He asked squeezing her against him and kissing her shoulder. “Just a little bit?”

Cyd arched her back and tilted her head to the side, closing her eyes. “You’re making it hard to think about anything at the moment,” she cooed, a smile settling over her lips.

“Then you think about later … and we can do more fun and interesting things right now. Then make a very late lunch.” He suggested trailing kissing down her neck.

“You drive a hard bargain, DJ Olin,” Cyd said in a sultry voice. “But fun, interesting things and then lunch? It’s an offer I can’t refuse.”

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