Cali Crew - Eighteen

Nikita picked up an apple from a bowl on the table. “Well, quitting is a breach of contract, so it’s kind of discouraged, but I know the people who have worked there. I mean, Cyd’s DJ’d there before, and she said she had a great time.”

“For three months?” Nike questioned.

Nikita rolled her eyes. “No, but she’d tell you if it was anything I wouldn’t like. There’s nothing like you’re thinking. No one can touch you or anything like that. You just have to look pretty, and listen to a bunch of flirty comments. Smile and pretend what they said was so witty.”

"So we can Cyd too for another perspective." Bishop said to no one in particular.

“I’m eighteen,” Nikita reminded them.”I’m old enough to make my own decisions. I mean, I’m asking you to be happy for me, but I’m… not asking permission.”

"And we understand that …" Bishop quickly interject. "... but you are never old enough for Nike or me to not worry about you and have your back …. Christ I've turned into my mother haven't I …"

“Yes,” Nikita said at the same time Nike said “No.”

“We’re not trying to stop you,” Nike backpedaled. “We’re just asking you to think about it, from all sides, okay? Some people you just met asked you to go to a tropical island and be eye candy for probably some rich playboy types who tip well? And you’re stuck there for three months, you didn’t even like it when Klaus sent us to sleepaway camp for three weeks.”

“It was four weeks,” Nikita reminded her. “It was hot, the cabins had no screens on the windows, we were eaten alive by mosquitos and twice we got food poisoning. You were just as miserable.”

“They had to close the lake because there was some red slime film on top no one could identify,” Nike remembered with a chuckle.

“See? This is nothing like that. It’s an adventure. And I can handle myself. If anyone gets too handsy, I’ll blind ‘em,” Nikita said.

"Just out of curiosity do any of you have any positive experiences with you dad. Just so I know." Bishop asked after hearing the camp story.

Nikita dropped her attention to the apple, spinning it on one side.

“Plenty of them,” Nike told him. “It’s just easier to focus on the not-so-great ones, for now.”

"Just checking!" Bishop noted. "I'm sure … it would give Nike peace of mind to be kept in the loop on this for ease of mind and for your sanity as well. You know. Since you're 18 and no one can stop you."

“Of course I’ll text,” Nikita said with a chuckle. “You don’t think I’ll miss you two and Nikka like crazy? I need to know everything going on. It’ll be great, Nike, it’s an amazing opportunity. And it’ll look great on a resume, or who knows, a college application. Plus I’ll make all kinds of connections with CEO’s and who knows what kinds of opportunities will come from it.”

Nike hedged, slightly. Those points were hard to argue with. “Group text,” she relented.

“Every night,” Nikita promised, grinning from ear to ear.

"Daw Nikita is becoming a contributing member of society!" Bishop teased.

“You’re just excited about possibly being a kept man,” Nikita quipped back.

"What, I cook, clean and now I mediate. I would be an amazing house husband." Bishop chuckled with a smug smile.

“Then chop chop, make with the coffee,” Nikita laughed.

"I am so unappreciated." Bishop smirked with a laugh. "Do you have any idea when you are going yet? Or are there still some hoops for you to jump through."

“I signed the contract already,” Nikita said, hesitating. “Day after tomorrow. Private jet brings me to orientation. And first paycheck this Friday.”

"I hope you read the contract. You are dealing with rich folk and they're crazy so … that's my penny take it or leave it." Bishop said passing a coffee around. There was no more milk so it was a bit of a backflip to get the black coffee palatable.

“I did, I did,” Nikita promised dismissively. "Five hundred creds a DAY, plus tips!”

"Well make you that's the ACTUAL play. Just in case. The fine print will tell you.if there expenses you will be responsible for. They says five hundred but who knows what you'll be left with after." Bishop said making it more like a suggestion.

“All included,” Nikita said proudly. “Room, which isn’t shared, it is small and in the downstairs, but it’s fully furnished and nice, and did I mention private? It’s included. 3 meals a day included, booze isn’t but I am underage anyway, so no drinking,” she said, feeling like that sounded incredibly responsible. “Transportation to and from, the only thing they don’t pay for is incidentals, and I think I can pack enough toothpaste and shampoo for 3 months.”

"Family Costco card to the rescue …" Bishop noted. "... We can hit up the business center."

“So you’re really going to do this?” Nike asked. “Because if it’s just about the fight, we can smooth things out…”

“It’s not about the fight,” Nikita assured her. “It’s about me making a decision on my own which could be great for my future. And it’s three months. I mean, I’m old enough to join the Navy for four years. This is much less of a commitment. Be happy for me. I’m really really excited for this.”

“I am,” Nike said, though happy would be towards the bottom of her list of emotions. I mean, it does sound like a great opportunity, and you are old enough to make your own choices. It doesn’t mean we won’t miss you. Or that I won’t worry. Or that we won’t drop absolutely everything, rent a damn helicopter and plan a fast rope extraction if you need us to.”

"I believe we would only have enough in the budget for a paddle boat but … point stands." Bishop pointed out. "But! You know … there's no distance in dreams."

“And you’d kick their ass,” Nikita complimented. “There’s that too. You, Bishop, Nikka, you could all visit me when I sleep,” she offered.

Nike let out a slow breath. “I guess we should head to Costco,” she offered.

Nikita squealed with delight, hugging Nike around the neck. “It’s going to be great!” she said. “You just wait and see!”

Bishop, while Nikita was busy smooshing Nike in a hug, made a motion looking like he was letting go and gave her the thumbs up. He was well aware the Nike raw instinct would probably have been to tie her little sister up and lock her in a room till she was at least twenty one but none of them had conventional lives. Not when you had an AC-17 gene

Nike held on a little tighter, just for a moment. “You should make up with Nikka before you go,” she said, releasing the grip she had on Nikita. “You don’t want to leave things that way for three months.”

This time, Nikita let out a slow breath. “I know, I know. I’ll come borrow your mediator here if things don’t go well.”

"I'm going to start charging after this." Bishop snarked.

“Kept man,” Nikita mocked, calling over her shoulder.

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