Cali Crew - It Wasn't Me

Nike let everyone sleep the majority of the day. She could remember long car rides and sleeping near 12 hours after a rave, especially after ‘party favors’ provided by Mathias. She softly kissed Bishop on the lips and quietly dressed, slipping down the hall and out before anyone roused. They’d need food, and there was nothing better than Bishop’s home cooking - especially his French Scrambled Eggs. The cart was half full, and the cashier was none too happy when the card she tried to use was declined, but that didn’t set off any alarms, it happened from time to time when they crossed state lines, but she’d make sure to let the bank know. Luckily, she brought the credits to cover it, only having to put a few items back rather than a whole buggy of food.

The condo was still quiet when Nike came back with everyone reluctantly starting their day, mostly driven into wakefulness from hunger. Nikka had snuck in the bathroom using the shower to soak the previous night off. Bishop was in the kitchen making cups of coffee to use as a distraction so he would get the next turn so he didn’t have to worry about not getting enough hot water.

“Hey.” Bishop yawned. “Need help with that?” He offered putting hus mug down to take the grocery bags from Nike when she came back from grocery shopping.

“Thanks,” she said. “I brought plenty of hangover helpers.” Nikita gave a lazy thumbs up from the table, where she rested her head on top of her arms.

“Aka happy pills that make to much fun from the night before more tolerable.” Bishop smirked helping put away the groceries.

“I told you you’d have a good time,” Nike told him, sliding an arm around his waist when the electricity in the condo cut out.

“IT WASN’T ME!!” Nikka yelled from the bathroom.

“Blackout?” Bishop asked heading to the door to poke his head outside.

Lights were on in the hallway and in other condos, it seemed to be limited to theirs.

Nikita had momentarily relaxed. The fridge stopped humming, the lights stopped being so bright, It was - in her opinion - much better.

“No it’s just us … I’ll go check the fuse box maybe something blew. I mean when was the last time you all were here right?” Bishop said looking around. “Where is the fusebox?”

“Bedroom closet,” Nike told him, pulling her phone out of her pocket to use the light. Hopefully, the fuse would fix it.

Bishop fumbled around eventually using the light on his phone as well to see better. The fuses looked fine and for good measure, he checked the switches. “It all looks okay …” Bishop called back perplexed after switching everything off and back on to no effect. “... maybe call the electric company? See if they're doing some kind of repair and we just have the shittiest luck ever?”

“Maybe,” Nike said, trying not to look concerned. “I’ll go give them a call, I’ll get better reception outside.”

"Sure I'll … try and do something useful." Bishop chuckled, closing up the fuse box. "Who knows maybe it'll pop back on before you finish the call."

“Maybe,” Nike said. “I’m sure it’s just a glitch.”

Nikita rolled her eyes and slouched down at the table.

"A glitch, for once, not caused by me!" Nikka said brightly, her colorful hair wrapped in a fluffy towel. "So a win for me!"

“It’s happened before,” Nikita reminded her.

"But not this time!" Nikka said in a sing song voice, pouring lukewarm coffee for herself. "This time is Jinx free."

“I’m not talking about you, dope,” Nikita snickered, shaking her head. “This has happened before with the lights being shut off, when the bill wasn’t paid at the Bungalow.”

"Oh. Yea but … this place isn't … do we pay the bill for this place too?" Nikka asked. She was mostly sheltered in the going on regarding their father's affairs. Always with, when you're older or whatever it was people said when they didn't want to tell you anything.

Nikita shrugged. “I dunno, I’m just saying every so often this crops up. If it is Klaus, we should know about it too.”

"How do you not know? Shouldn't we know? Nike knows doesn't she. I could always … " Nikka wiggled her finger letting off a bit of a prismatic spark. "... and, bonus, no shrimp around."

“You’re asking me if you should chaos spark the lights back on?” Nikita asked.

"Chaos spark?" Nikka said indignantly. "I mean fix it so we can have hot coffee!"

“Nike is going to pull money out of the emergency account, pay the lights and we’ll have hot coffee,” Nikita said, trying not to sound discouraging. This was so like Klaus, even from jail he’d move money into different accounts, and stuff like this would happen randomly. A few times it had sparked an impromptu camping trip, because Nike didn’t want them to worry.

"Alright, fine!" Nikka said with a deep sigh. "It always shakes out fine anyway."

“Always,” Nikita agreed, checking the amount of charge left on her cell phone.

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