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Character Nikita

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Rave On - Nikita - The Look

The wafer fizzed and melted in Nikita’s mouth filling it with Strawberry Lime flavors. It tasted fake as hell but in a cheap lollipop kind of way. It took its time kicking in and it was the ultimate chill pill. The colors of the lights were brighter, the heavy thump of the bass of the music her fingers tingle and almost made her feel the song. Hell, even food had a sharper more defined flavor enough to make her shutter with each bite, the savory food tasted deeper and richer.

Nikita took Mathias’ advice and found herself having an amazing time - she flirted with a few people, danced for what seemed like hours, and even scored some decent advice when a girl looking like she’d just stepped out from a fashion shoot chatted her and a group of other girl’s up. She knew someone - and they had open opportunities if you had the right look, and right attitude. Great pay, the work wasn’t hard, you just had to be willing to wear a bikini and play eye candy for a bunch of rich playboy types. Nothing ‘weird’ - no touching, it was like Hooters, she’d said, the uniforms were to brand an image. Work on an island, plenty of downtime to swim, surf, snorkel, jet-ski, and the tips were usually three to four numbers before the decimal place.

" … don't get me wrong, the whole thing is an experience. You're still on an island …" One girl explained.

"... if you want to call being on an island a pitfall … " Another girl interjected.

"... it's work and unlike any job you ever had. But God damn, if you can stick it through, the fucking perks. These bad girl's?" The girl motioned to her heels. "Gianvito Rossi heels, one of the guests got in a fight with her hubby and tossed 'em, no one cried boo when I snagged them. And these were the cheap ones in her collection."

“Seriously?” Nikita asked, eyeing the shoes. Sure they looked incredibly like torture for the toes, but they were also pricey as hell. “And you just… apply? Audition?”

"Well obviously it is not like there is an ad on Craigslist for this and even with a recommendation you might not get in. You need an edge, like … I'm using the money to fund my school in marine biology and am a fully licensed scuba diver. So I would take the rich guests in need of entertainment out to the local reef and talk up the local flora and fauna." The one girl explained.

"I know all kinds of sleight of hand, used to be a magician's assistant in Las Vegas. Really useful entertainment the kids, got huge tips watching over them while the parents fucked off for hours." Another explained

"The point is, to get your foot in the door, if you want in you will get a chance. Sell the shit out of yourself. They don't meek or shy girls, you get what I'm saying?" The first girl said digging in her small black purse. "If you are going to take a shot, drop my name, I wrote it on the back." She said, passing a white card with a number printed on one side and a name neatly handwritten on the other. “Seriously,” she said to Nikita with a smile. “You have the look.”

“Can I think about it?” Nikita asked before blowing a bubble.

“You can, but don’t take too long,” the girl warned. “There’s only so many spots, and they fill up fast. Lots of people want easy pay in a tropical paradise, know what I mean, jellybean?”

That made Nikita giggle, or maybe it was the drug. Something, but jellybean did know what she meant. “Just let me sleep on it, when I’m not rolling.”

“Of course,” the girl said, looking a little put out. “I just hope for your sake we still have a spot for you.” She twisted a lock of Nikita’s hair around her finger before moving on to the next group of girls.

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