Rave On - Old Friends

The Rave went into full swing and Nikka, in spite of the ban on cooler harder 'adult' drugs was still having the time of her life as she danced in the crowd. Enough so there was a slight prismatic luminescence to her skin.

Bishop was just … thrilled to exist feeling the pounding of the base and color of the lights. He wasn't sure what it was he was given, just that it was good. Everything was good. The colors and music were good and boy was he feeling the music right about now.

Mathias was wheeling and dealing, making sure the ravers were having a good time. Good time men returning customers and that's what paid the rent. Not that the Skyes lived an extravagant lifestyle but living wasn't cheap either.

Cyd - Cyd was lost in the set, headphones on, eyes watching every move Olin made. .

Nike couldn’t help but smile as she relieved some of her teen memories. Sure, she’d been younger than Nikka, but there was no one back then to watch out. Sure as hell not Klaus. And Mathias, Cyd, they’d looked out for her. She wore the same skull kandi bracelet not knowing what it meant for a long time. They were good people - and, like her sisters, they were meta. She couldn’t remember how it came up, but she’d been visiting Mathias, sometimes Cyd in their dreams. Something under the influence - the subject just came up was all.

Back then it had been a way to escape the fact that she was a teenager practically parenting her two younger sisters, because Klaus - he was never around. Now, it was weird to be there and be alert, but someone had to watch out for Nikita and Nikka.

Bishop himself was having a great time, stomping in time with the music. Once or twice his eyes may have flashed, but it may have also been the strobe lighting. Still, if both of them were having a good time, that was even better.

"You sure I can give you something … light?" Mathias offered when he finally had a moment to himself. "Trust me I get what it's like being the responsible one."

“I know you do,” Nike said with a smile. She and Mathias had talked plenty on the subject, sitting on rooftops talking about family and responsibility and how it sometimes feels like you’re the raft, trying to keep everyone else above water. “I just want them all to have a good time, been a rough few…” She thought for a moment, Klaus was arrested nearly a year ago now. “It’s been rough,” she clarified. “Sides, this is all new to them, they need the full Skye experience."

"It never stops being rough. Not when you're a family of Jennies. We're just lucky to be able to party as hard as we work." Mathias said passing a joint to Nike.

Nike held it between her fingers for a brief moment and hadn’t even noticed her shoulders had been hunched up until the first bit of smoke hit, and it was as if she could feel everything just be easy, relaxed. “Wow,” she said with a slight cough. “I forgot how much better this was than run-of-the-mill dime bag shit.”

"Right?" Mathis laughed with a smile. "Private growers man. They come up with some seriously inventive strains. If they weren't so into growing ganja I'm sure they would have solved world hunger by now."

“Or caused it,” Nike laughed. “Remember that time we each near ate an entire pizza after the rave in that Andreas warehouse? Before the cops came and shut it down.”

"Awwww, we were growing kids. At least we ate our veggies eh?" Mathias said taking a hit. "Side you won't find a more accepting place than here, at the Rave. Hell more than half the folk here are Anoms."

Nike laughed and nodded her head. “Bishop too,” she told him. “Like us. What about your little brother? “

”Lolo? Detention Center. He gets out now and again. Mathis chuckled. “Only to get right back in trouble.”

“That’s… my Nikka,” Nike admitted, taking another hit. “It’s not her fault. But I think she has… the opposite of that. She’ll get a handle on it, it’s just - she can’t practice because it’s against the law and without practice she won’t learn control. Klaus was looking into all kinds of shit.”

"Believe me I get it. Lots of us are like that. That itch you can't scratch? Like being inspired but not being able to express it till it explodes and boom. Suddenly chaos, sound bites on the news and some asshole on TV preaching about bad Jennie this and bad Anom that." Mathis snorted. "It ain't a black and white issue. But you guys are in good company here, no one is going to cry boo."

“I’m glad we came,” Nike told him. “Even if it is on the wrong coast.”

"Yea but everyone knows you don't come here for the view … you come for the nightlife." Mathias said with a mischievous grin. "Raves, after parties … after after parties. All within walking distance or a subway ride away."

“And the pizza,” Nike reminded him. She craned her neck to take a head count. Nikita with a bouquet of balloons, check. Nikka, still lightly radiating, check, and Bishop - having the time of his life, doing his own version of a shuffle dance. “Thanks again for the Kandi. You know, it took me forever to figure out that’s why I was so safe.”

"I plead the 5th." Mathis said innocently. "Mr. Wacky … he makes a hell of an impression."

Nike snickered again.”Yeah, up the side of a skull.” She let out a content sigh. “We are definitely getting pancakes soon as the after after party breaks up.”

"Waffles and fried chicken. Trust me. Hit's the spot at 4 am when you're coming down." Mathias hummed. "Already looking forward to it."

“Waffles,” Nike agreed. “And Fried chicken. Weird, but I’ll give it a go. You haven’t steered me wrong yet.”

"It hits everything. Sweet, savory, fried, breakfast and dinner. I speak from experience. Lots and lots and lots of experience." Mathias smirked.

“Sold me on it, CandyMan,” she said happily. “We’ll bring the fam.”

"And a wheelbarrow. Just in case." Mathis joked and the music and light’s pumped and a few rave bunnies hopped on over for Mathias services. "Duty calls …"

Nike gave him a small wave, finishing the joint, while heading back to Bishop.

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