Skye Life: Vas's 1st Rave Part 1

Vas had tried to be helpful but he seemed to be making things unnecessarily harder and didn’t know what to do. When Serena asked him what he was going to wear Vas had given her a deer in headlight kind of look. All the clothing he had found was mostly from the trash. There wasn’t a single thing that wasn’t thin, torn, or had a hole in it and none of it fit properly. Aside from the fact Vas didn’t have anything resembling a sewing kit … it was quickly understood Vas didn’t know how to sew. So they kept it simple. They patched his pants, and Serena slapped on a colorful vest that glowed under a blacklight. The effect only made him look like a colorful Jagg. When the makeup brush came out Vas balked.

“Do I have ta?” He whined leaning back from the looming brush. “I’m guna be wearing glasses … it’s not like anyone guns see me” Vas added and he leaned further.

Serena pouted, giving him a disappointed look. “Everyone’s gonna see you, that’s the point. It’s just a little face paint, some body glitter. I wasn’t gonna put eyeliner on you, but just so you know? Olin wears eyeliner an’ so does Mathias - to raves. An’ I want Cyd an’ Mathias to like you, and the more you’re liked at the rave, the more they’ll like you.”

Vas gave her a look like she was asking him to take the bitterest of medicine. He made a whiney noise, his shoulder dropping before he gave a sigh of resignation. “Fine. I surrender.”

“We both knew that was gonna be the outcome,” Serena said, drawing a peace sign on his cheek. “Stop fidgeting!”

“It tickles.” Vas muttered. “What are you drawing? Does everyone have a drawing on their face? Are you sure it’ll help make me blend in?” He asked his nose twitching, the feeling of a brush on his face not a familiar one.

“It’s a rave, you don’t wanna fit in, you wanna stand out. And don’t worry, at least I’m not gonna tie a balloon to you an’ leave you at the craft table,” She told him, adding a dash of glitter to the tip of his nose for good measure. “You look great.”

“Why? Was that an option on the table?” Vas asked making a face.

“That’s what Cyd an’ Mathias did my first rave. I mean, if you wanna, I’m happy to leave you to string beads an’ talk to strangers,” Serena offered. “Just remember, don’t let anyone tattoo or pierce nothin’, not at the rave. Swear?”

< Prev : Skye Life - Genuinely Curious