Billy Goats Gruff - Booty Shorts and Body Tape

“These raves are all underground, they travel pretty regularly and the most popular are the ones in the Sprawl. As you can imagine they can be difficult to find if you're not in the know. Since a bulk of these people are undocumented we are going to have to build a dossier of who’s who ourselves.” Kimura explained crossing her arms.

Everyone and everything had a limit and the Sprawl was a black hole. Every shifting invisible border, people moving around with a half dozen allies and rife with illicit activity. It made sense only a Sprawl could safely navigate those kinds of streets. It was ever-evolving down there.

“That mean you’re coming with?” Mal asked with a mischievous grin. “Booty Shorts and body tape?”

“This is easily the best part about being a team lead Mal. I don’t have to do the grunt work.” Kimura laughed. “I hear it’s pretty standard for the boy shave, everything, so I highly recommend chemical hair removal. It moisturizes and is less harsh on the skin.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing TL,” Mal said with a grin and a shake of his head. “Just don’t tell Dogo about the chem hair removal. I’m gonna convince him to wax.”

“Oh I know exactly what I'm missing.” Kimura snorted. “You're the one that has to live with it, just don't start another prank war.”

“Me? Wouldn't think of it, team lead.” Mal said, crossing his heart. “We’ll head out and start making some contacts.”

“Good like Mal. And don't forget to dress that part. Wolf in sheep's clothing and all that.” Kimura reminded him.

“I’ll make you proud, Lead,” Mal said, moonwalking to the doorway. He thought he’d looked pretty smooth, until his back hit one of the exposed studs. “Just.. pretend I made it out into the hall,” he laughed.

Kimura smothered a giggle. “Should I hire a dance teacher? I feel like I should hire a dance teacher.”

“You kidding? I’m a natural!” He told her, “Lemme go prep the boys. Unless this is a solo Mal Mish?”

“I thought you wanted to get Dogo waxed. Or are you worried one of your brothers will upstage you?” Kimura said in an innocent tone.

“Didn’t want to assume in case you needed them here. “Dogo’s learning to cook.” He warned.

“I thought we agreed you three were not going to kill each other.” Kimura joked.

“I thought that was more a direct order than an agreement,” Mal said, stroking his chin and laughing. “But if it’s still on the table….”

“My bets on Dogo. Knowing you two, you'll accidentally eat something he made.” Kimura snorted.

“My stomach is my greatest weakness,” Mal admitted. “We’ll get right on this.”

“Try not to have too much fun Mal.” Kimura waved as he left.

“I’ll bring you back Kandi!” He called as he took the steps, two at a time.

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