Showing posts 256 - 270 of 363

She’s Difficult

Mar 23, 2024, 11:21am by Lorem

JP with Peter, Alyssa, Max, Choi, Sung and Eun-Ji Halliwell Manor - San Francisco, CA Choi Yeong looked around to where he last remembered Sung stood. He didn’t see him ...

Second Rejection

Mar 23, 2024, 11:19am by Lorem

JP with Peter, Alyssa, Max, Choi, Sung and Eun-Ji Halliwell Manor - San Francisco, CA Choi Yeong wasn’t surprised. He was certain it would only be a matter of time befo ...

From the Attic

Mar 23, 2024, 11:17am by Lorem

JP with Peter, Alyssa, Max, Choi, Sung and Eun-Ji Halliwell Manor - San Francisco, CA Sartre had made sure no one was watching as he placed his tactical letter on the sid ...


Mar 23, 2024, 11:11am by Cindy

JP with Jaxx, Cindy and Trustno1 Alyssa tried cell phones, internet access, even tried to figure out if the cab was more modern, some having mapping systems. No luck on any of the abov ...

Alyssa meets Max

Mar 23, 2024, 11:08am by Cindy

JP with Jaxx and Cindy Alyssa watched the video feed on her screen with interest. 'No, oh wait there it is.' She thought, as her hazel eyes caught sight her target. The best taco t ...

Are You Kidding Me?

Mar 23, 2024, 8:56am by Lorem

JP with Choi, Sung and Eun-Ji Halliwell Manor - San Francisco, CA Well that didn’t help her case, maybe everything wasn’t under control. She side-eyed Master Sung, no ...

How Not to Open Doors

Mar 23, 2024, 8:55am by Lorem

JP with Choi, Sung and Eun-Ji Halliwell Manor - San Francisco, CA Yeong incredulously lolled between the new comer as Eun-Ji. It seemed like a family reunion, which left ...

The Unexpected Master Sung

Mar 23, 2024, 8:52am by Lorem

JP with Choi, Sung and Eun-Ji Halliwell Manor - San Francisco, CA Sung has been working on a case he had gotten a request for help from an old friend in law enforcement h ...

Greens Arrive at Halliwell Manor

Mar 23, 2024, 8:49am by Lorem

JP with Choi, Sung and Eun-Ji Halliwell Manor - San Francisco, CA Stay alive, Yeong thought. According to Master Park’s experience, they wouldn’t die. Just pai ...

The Ride Over

Mar 22, 2024, 12:07pm by Lorem

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji Taxi Cab - San Francisco, CA Yeong inwardly wondered if this let line may have run along the ever present path of the fault line in California. If ...

Resume the Search (2)

Mar 22, 2024, 12:06pm by Lorem

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji Murder Site 2 - San Francisco, CA Eun-Ji was equally at a loss at the second investigation site. There was nothing that the briefing from the poli ...

Resume the Search (1)

Mar 22, 2024, 12:04pm by Lorem

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji Chinatown and Murder Sites 1&2 - San Francisco, CA Eun-Ji slid out and stood from the table, straightening out her dress. She answered cryptically ...

A Tentative Start (4)

Mar 22, 2024, 12:01pm by Lorem

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji Chinatown - San Francisco, CA “So the code has something to do with them?” Choi probed. Yeong smiled. “You made progress already. You ARE ...

A Tentative Start (3)

Mar 22, 2024, 11:59am by Lorem

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji Chinatown - San Francisco, CA Choi Yeong was disappointed that Moon Eun-Ji didn’t want to know more about each other. One of the areas Yeong att ...

A Tentative Start (2)

Mar 22, 2024, 11:58am by Lorem

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji Chinatown - San Francisco, CA “It is good to have it hidden,” Yeong responded. “Templars may be joining the chase soon. Until we know the ci ...

Showing posts 256 - 270 of 363