Hacker vs Dead Woman

Within about half an hour, in the darkness, Peter could feel Alyssa moving. He definitely wasn't doing anything but someone was. He knew who. Alyssa's night pants were starting to slide off and anything under was certain to come next. It was light enough in the room to see, Prue had to know this, she also had to know Sartre couldn't help but look. He looked but jerked up Wilson's sleep pants. He could not avert his gaze. "That Bitch" he said to Alyssa, thinking back to the hatred of that character on that 90210 show.

Alyssa had laid in bed, unable to sleep due to the events kn the evening. Questions just became more questions, answers she thought she had made less sense. When Alyssa suddenly found herself unable to move, floating above the bed, her sleep pants starting to come off but fortunately Peter was there and able to rescue the moment and the hacker from complete embarrassment.

With no warning, the young woman fell on to her bed, the momentary paralysis gone. Alyssa's anger however was in full gear.

Gritting her teeth, a look that could have possibly killed some wrote the absolute hatred for the guilty party all over Alyssa's face. She stormed out of the bedroom and slammed opened Prue's door, not even bothering to knock.

"You Bitch." Alyssa started. "What are you jealous or something?"

Prue laughed, "Hardly, chicky. I was just helping you two out - seems like you both could use more action."

"Ugh," Alyssa snarled. "We don't need any relationship help from you."

"Oooh....so it is a relationship then?" Prue said with a sarcastically stickiness to her voice.

"It's not....it's.....just... Stop being such a pain in the ass. Or you incapable of such a feat?" Alyssa though saw the slight grin on Prue's face.

"You know maybe if you came out from behind your computer every once in a while, you'd know more about men." Prue seemed unbothered by anything Alyssa said.

"Maybe, if you weren't such a bitch you would have more friends." Alyssa's saw the look on Prue's face, and knew the fight was momentary over. The hacker turned and left.

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