Rebelling Against the Dominion of Death (2)

Corinth leaned against the wall and watched as Lumina prepped for her conversations with the dead. He knew some magic, mostly combat based, but he knew nothing about necromancy or anything related to the dead. He knew how to make things dead, but that was about it.

There was a creak behind him. Turning his head, he saw a very angry, very naked Kramer standing behind him. Before he could react, Kramer spun Corinth around and punched him across the face. Staggering, Kramer reached out, grabbed him, and tossed him up and out of the way. The dead Kramer now had a clear path towards Lumina.

Corinth shook the cobwebs from his head and started to stand. Letting his coat fall to the floor, he took his hat off and laid it on the chest of the nearest cadaver. He watched as Lumina was holding her own against Kramer and was genuinely impressed with her skills. She set him on fire and then froze him in place, causing him to fall over. Moving quickly, she took her place by Corinth's side and said, “Let’s finish this!”

"It's already over," was his reply. The buzzing in his head was so loud, it felt like it was vibrating his whole body. Moving closer to Kramer, Corinth was able to get a better look at him. There was black ichor running out of his eyes, nose, and ears. He was a Filth and if there was one thing that Gaia feared, it was the Filth.

Filth stood in stark opposition to everything Gaia represented. It was the night to Her day, the water to Her fire. While She created, it destroyed. Gaia dreaded it, for as of now, there existed no sure way to eradicate it entirely. Though it could be slowed, its relentless spread remained unstoppable. Filth pervaded even Agartha. Should Gaia tremble before it, then it became Corinth's solemn obligation, as one of Her guardians, to vanquish it.

Kramer hissed at the couple and Corinth immediately went for his gun, but stopped. Gun noise would bring too many people and that is exactly what they didn't need right now. Kramer's skin ripped as the Filth oozed and crawled around underneath it.

Kramer opened his mouth and a long tentacle shot forth heading for Lumina. Corinth's eyes sparked blue and in an instant, his arm was in front of Lumina and the Filth's tongue was wrapping around it. Corinth jerked his arm back in front of him, gripping the disgusting tongue with his hand and squeezing. Another flash of blue and electricity arced from his shoulder, down the creatures tongue, discharging into it's face.

While the creature was stunned, Corinth pulled the Filth towards him by the tongue. He grabbed a scalpel from the gurney next to him and shoved it under Kramer's chin, directly in the soft spot between both jawbones. He followed it up with an uppercut, shooting the scalpel deeper inside and causing Kramer's jaw to slam shut, severing the tongue. As Kramer staggered backwards, Corinth grabbed him by the back of the head and slammed it repeatedly into the wall. Kramers's face was nothing more than black ichor bubbling up where his facial features used to be.

Tossing Kramer aside onto the mortuary table, Corinth went to the front of it and kicked it back inside the drawer. He moved to the side in time to see Lumina send three fiery rays of light inside the drawer and then he slammed the door shut. A moment later, there was a muffled thump as the body of Kramer exploded, keeping all the poison contained. Human Filth had a tendency to explode once they were defeated, a dead man switch to cause a bit more havoc during the victory celebration.

"Smooth," Corinth said as he made his way back to his jacket. reaching in, he pulled out his pills, spilling one into his hand and then popping it into his mouth. That toss to the ground didn't do him any favors. He started putting his coat and hat one while he said, "we lost some time there. Might need to hurry up."

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