Crime Scene#1 Investigation (3) - Moving on

JP with Lumina and Corinth

Corinth sighed at the lack of information. He knew this was likely going to happen, but it was always worth checking up on. Sometimes he would get lucky and sometimes, not so much. This was one of those "not so much" times. Giving a last look over, he made his way back to the car.

He stopped and watched as Lumina performed a spell. He knew how to cast a spell or two, but not like the Warlocks did. They seemed to do it more naturally than when he did his. His was more like trying to manifest using brute force, but watching Lumina, it was like watching someone moving their hand move effortlessly through water. He admired that. Once she was done, they entered back into the car and headed to the hotel.

"I think the second scene is going to be a bust like this one was. Too many days have passed and too many disturbances. We're more likely to get more false positives than anything else anyway." He looked over to her, "You find anything with your magic?"

Not long after, they were pulling into the parking lot of the hotel. Getting out of the car and moving into the hotel lobby. It was late and the weight of the day started to rest heavy on his shoulders. Just by looking at Lumina he could tell she felt the same way, maybe even worse. Making their way to their rooms, Corinth gave her a light slap on the shoulder. "Go grab some sleep and come get me in the morning and we'll pick up were we left off." Giving her a slight smile, he entered his room and shut the door behind him.

Pulling off his coat, he tossed it on a nearby chair along with his hat. Opening the fridge, he felt the cool air rush out to greet his as he pulled the bottle of whiskey from the fridge and sat it on the table followed by a small shot glass. He slumped in the chair and rubbed the stress from the back of his neck with a sigh.

One shot, two shot, three. With the ending of the third shot, he turned the glass upside down on the table and stared at it. With the flick of his finger, he watched it slide across the table and then onto the floor with a bounce. He was surprised it didn't break. Taking the bottle of whiskey he turned it up and sent two large gulps to his stomach before he screwed the cap back on and tossed it back into the fridge. Falling into bed, he was asleep not long after his head hit the pillow.

Waking up a few hours later to the sun knocking on his eyelids, Corinth rolled over and looked at the clock. It was a quarter past nine and he was just as tired now as he was when he went to bed. Still, duty called and so did the need for a shower. Begrudgingly, he got to his feet and made way towards the restroom.

Fast forward twenty minutes and he was drying himself off, already feeling like a new man. At least for now. After putting on his pants, he heard a soft knock at his door. With "room service" not following the knock, that left it to be only one other person.

Corinth opened the door about halfway and leaned on the door frame. He was shirtless and just coming out of a hot shower made the scared claw marks across his chest from shoulder to to stomach all the more visible. "I'm finishing up. Be ready in a minute. Come in."

When he turned, there were another set of marks down his back. At one time, they were probably deep and being so close to his spine, almost death worthy. He grabbed a shirt and put it on, buttoning it up while he spoke.

"We may need to approach this from a different angle. If scene one and two have been scrubbed already, what are the odds that scene three is the same? What was three? A university? For all we know the university has already given another student the room. Do you have any ideas?"

Pulling a vest over the shirt, he buttoned that up too before grabbing Loy and Powell and holstering them. Grabbing a second set of holsters, he put them on, letting them rest just to the sides of his chest. With a few wrist movements of his hands, a set of 9mm pistols now resided in each one. After a quick look over, Keanu went in one holster and Bale in the other.

"So whatcha got," he asked as he grabbed his hat and jacket. "You can tell me while we go grab breakfast."

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