Crime Scene#1 Investigation (2)

San Francisco - 1st Evening After Arrival

Before getting into the rental car, Lumina purchased a week's worth of the local newspaper from a box in front of the hotel. Corinth got into the passenger seat, so Lumina got behind the wheel. As Corinth sought out the location and nearest address to the crime scene of one of the two young women whose deaths were suspected of being related to the Mothman, Lumina scanned through articles in the paper about those two cases. One of those women, Olivia Warren, had reportedly been repeatedly stabbed by a needle in the street. Reading the articles, it seemed likely that she had been murdered late at night after a late shift at the clinic she had worked at. Her death had been ruled as a homicide, but no suspects for the deed had yet been reported. Olivia Warren’s body was apparently still being held at the morgue, perhaps for a few more days, while her funeral service was planned for next week. Lumina then decided to look up details on the other woman, Gail Iris, a teacher who’s death was reported as a suicide. The strangest detail Lumina saw about Gail’s death was that she had reportedly shot herself six times, putting one bullet through her knees into her lower legs, two shots through her hands, a bullet through her stomach, and a bullet through her throat. Why and how she had, with such precision, shot herself in those areas was highly unusual to say the least. Checking her obituary, Gail’s remains appeared to be at the very same morgue hosting Olivia. This place might be worth visiting.

Once Corinth had given her an address where they could park near the scene of the crime, Lumina stuffed the papers into her bag and drove as quickly as she could within the speed limit. It was dark by the time they got out and onto the sidewalk where the crime had been committed, much to Lumina’s discomfort. Pulling out a flashlight, as much for comfort as for utility, Lumina began scanning the area for anything suspicious. No doubt the regular police had taken most anything of mundane value to the investigation, so Lumina soon switched to looking for something of magical significance. Moving to an area where she was less likely to be spotted, she cast a detect magic spell and began scanning the area for traces of magic.

(OOC - would Lumina see any spells active on the trees that Olivia had tried to retreat to, or nearby?)

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