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View character profile for: Agent Max Powers
Agent Max Powers
Posted byPosted: Mar 18, 2024, 9:18pm
Newark, New York:
A private jet land in the California airport and is taxied in by the ground crew. Eventually the crew arrives and the planes stairs are opened and rolled out. Then a very muscular Agent Max Powers steps out and strolls down the stairs. Agent Max Powers looks around 30 as he hides his cool smolder behind his sunglasses. He looks around and is greeted by the the ground crew and the limo that pulls up before him. One of the stewardesses opens the door for him and lets him in the limo before she bids him farewell and closes the door. The limo then begins to drive off. Unknown to all but a few people, Agent Max Powers is actually Jack Gomez age 18 and a field Agent of the Illuminati. He was adopted by a high up member who he is not to mention ever and was trained to be hardened fighter. Sadly he is still struggling with being a teen and his hormones so he tends to struggle with society a bit.
As he looks out the window his phone rings and he gets a call. He listens to the voice on the phone and rolls his eyes up as he listens to the long lecture before he reluctantly agrees with the voice then sighs as he ends the phone call. He puts the phone in his coat and rubs his temples as he wanted to get a break but just found out he is being reassigned again.