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View character profile for: Alyssa Wilson
A Glimpse of Alyssa's World
Alyssa sat back in her chair watching the monitors which lit up the back of the van giving it a blushish glow. This was Alyssa's place, a home away from home, not that she had much of a home left.
The mansion, Alyssa's home, was too big and often void of family except the girl herself. Her mother had little to do with a child who, the social butterfly the woman was, didn't understand her introverted daughter who would rather spend time on her computer than socializing.
Her father seemed to be gone a lot, but when he was home his only child wasn't exactly good enough. He knew she was a computer genius. At 12 she had started college. But she hated anything athletic and wasn't social.
At sixteen she was introduced to the Illuminati, by her father. Younger than most, but apparently they had asked for her It sent her down a course that would forever change her life.
Alyssa absent-mindedly tore a piece of blank paper and then put it back together, as the computers continued their checks on the dragons of earlier.
Choi Yeong:
A few other pieces of information, perhaps. Alyssa would relay those later though it was possible Peter already knew.
Eun-Ji Moon
Immediate family all seemed to be Dragons but clearly this information needed to be updated. There was a file on her but nothing listing her as a green. Well, time to fix that. Alyssa set to work, updating the woman's file.