Finding Her Energy

JP with Choi and Eun-Ji

Downtown - San Francisco, CA

Choi Yeong exited the trolley. He walked for a few blocks coming to a park. This park had hilltop views of the bay and the city. It was the perfect place for Yeong’s next step.

Climbing toy he top of a hill, Yeong turned his back to the bay, so he faced out over the city. He could see the Presidio to his right. The city sprawled out before Choi.

He got into the Lotus position. Beginning the motions of dahnmudo, Yeong began to relax and center. Although he only sat next to the girl for a few seconds, he had felt her energy. She was good. Most likely, she could possibly handle herself without Yeong’s help. He was loyal to the cause. It was something within him other than the Dragon cause that had bright her face to Yeong in the vision. So now, Choi Yeong began reaching out to find her energy.

Choi, having awareness and practice with discerning someone’s essence, would have felt it from having sat next to her on the bench outside the college dorm. Her energy signature was chaotic, or put another way, unclear. Yet, this was not some inexperienced pup and Choi was able to catch a glimpse of her energy trail despite its unpredictable manifestation.

The path she had taken would be like a visualized perfume trail in the sensory perception of a trained bloodhound; if one tried to explain the process. The trail closest to the trolley was fading though and would eventually be completely gone, while where she was would be the strongest and most consistent. She took a path towards downtown. Occasionally, her path would branch into multiple different directions; as if she became more than one person. No doubt this was similar to what he had already experienced on the trolley.

It made the tracking process all the harder. Which one should he follow and would he have time to check all of them before the trail faded. Fortunately the branches seemed to have a recognizable pattern of utility and he could use logical deduction along with his gut to stay on the right way. At one point the trail went completely cold. She must have gotten in a taxi for a stretch, which masked her energy all the more from the outside air. But his expertise, was able to pick it up later by deducing downtown was indeed her final destination.

He finally sensed her energy entering a large building in downtown. But she was not stationary but at the present, seemed to be exiting that very building and heading in a new direction.

Eun-Ji having successfully decrypted the notebook was making her way to Chinatown once more. She was going to celebrate with some food that reminded her more of home, then what was in David’s apartment. She was feeling a sense of accomplishment for her first day.

Tracking her could be a challenge at times. Of course, Choi had assumed if their were three signatures, or even five, the one in the center would have been her.

Suddenly, he got another picture. It was a dal (moon) above her face. As Yeong pondered the meaning of this, it broke again into shards, much as her illusion had. Then he saw two lines intersecting again in the shape of an X.

The vision faded and he picked up on her trail once more. She was coming across Chinatown, headed in the direction of the area between where he now sat and the Presidio.

Yeong knew enough not to be overconfident. However, knowing those one’s ki, it gave him an added advantage.

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