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View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji
The Caesar Cipher of 3
David’s Apartment - San Francisco, CA
After arriving back at David's apartment building in a taxi cab, Eun-Ji made her way up to her room. Her mind was consumed by the mysteries of the notebook she discovered and the adrenaline rush of being potentially hunted. Briefly filling David in on her findings at the University, she senses his agreement that she made the right choice in investigating further and escaping from what were probably other faction agents. Declining his offer of food for the time being, she retreats to her room to focus on deciphering the cryptic message within the notebook.
Eun-Ji meticulously made several attempts at trying to decipher the gibberish in the last entry; however, continued to reach failed results. Suddenly she had a moment of insight and considered that the solution could be a famous substitution Caesar cipher with a shift of three; a method she remember from a computer science elective in college. She reworked the text with going backwards three alphabetical positions for each letter. She finished decoding the message and read over the resulting text, now readable. What she read still didn’t make sense to her, but she felt confident she cracked it. Though a second opinion that knew more would make her feel better.
Eun-Ji sent the original gibberish text and her decoded results to the Voice of the Dragon via David’s encryption machine. She also asked if any information could be sent back to her that may help understand some of the things mentioned in the translation.