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View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji

View character profile for: Choi Yeong
The Chase (3/3)
JP with Choi and Eun-Ji
City Streets - San Francisco, CA
She listened and then brought a finger up to her mouth to hush him, making the shhhh hand gesture. Her smile was full of guile. Now that it was too late, the fake expression gave way. He may notice that her edges, where she met the air, looked painterly upon closer inspection; if he focused. And without warning the illusion before him shattered into numerous prismatic shards which diffused into the air until it was gone. The warping of reality caused a unique sound as it happened.
Suddenly a wave of utter confusion aggressively attacked his mind. Disorientation slammed into him. Befuddlement saturated him and made it difficult to connect the dots between any thoughts.
Meanwhile, a block back on the corner stood Eun-Ji. Her hand was gently raised and had previously made a subtle gesture which shattered the illusion. She had actually ducked into an alleyway and created an illusion of herself entering the trolley. It was a precautionary trap, just in case someone was still following her. Like a spider luring a fly, she had caught her victim.
Seeing the illusion successfully shatter right in the man’s face, Eun-Ji made her way across the street and continued walking towards downtown. She held a hand out hailing for a cab to stop.
When Choi Yeong came to his senses, he realized why this girl was sent on a mission. She was good, very good. She may not even need his help. Still, it was his mission. He would not give up. She was dealing with the Illuminati and possible the Templars would be arriving to the scene soon. Yes, they worked together at times, especially when Gaia was involved, but each had their own goals of supremacy.
He grinned. “Dojeon surak!” (Challenge accepted) he confidently pronounced softly to himself.