
JP with Jaxx, Redsword, Trustno1, and Cindy

Alyssa with her coffee headed to the living room. Even though she knew exactly what was in the packages, she still felt a little anticipation before starting to dig into them.

The hacker reached into her pocket, pulling out a Swiss Army knife and cutting opening the packing tape on each box, once that was done she started pulling things out.

"How long should it take you to set all this up Alyssa?" asked Sartre

"It depends on how much help I get. It should take 1 -2 hours to set up the cameras, about an hour to get the computer set up and hooked into the cameras." Alyssa replied. "Whoever goes out to set up the cameras will need to figure out the best locations for each direction, as I've not been out there.”

"I can help set up the cameras.” Said Sartre. He would set up the camera at various locations around the house, specifically on high vantage points on the roof, as to be able to get the best view

"That would be great. Some do need to go in the feeders, the rest can go wherever we think is best." The hacker replied. "For right now, let me start by getting each connected to the laptop." She started getting the laptop set up. "Here," handing him a notebook and pen." "Can you assign a number to each camera? Write it on the box and then in the notebook. I was thinking about writing the serial number but if you can think of another way...." Alyssa then remembered something and pulled something out of a small box. Tags and a permanent marker. "Place these tags, with the numbers written on them. Numbers one through ten are already assigned to the cameras that were already here. So, start with 11, do all the standard cameras first. There's 5 of those. 10 motion sensor. 5 infrared ones." Alyssa figured if they needed more, more can be ordered but it was a good start.

"I will." Peter said.

"Thanks," Alyssa would continue to set up the computer, doing everything she needed to. Including downloading the correct app to have it set up for everyones' phones. She then had Peter help her by reading off the numbers and hooking up each camera by number, once they were placed she would assign locations. With everything that could be ready, ready. She texted the team to ask for help getting the cameras set up.

Agent Powers already finished his food along with Princess Ekaterina and after cleaning up they came to check out what Alyssa was doing. Once they got the gist of her plan they offered to help out setting up the equipment.

Alyssa left the ones putting them up, to determine the locations of each camera. But some went on top of the house, others in the woods, some faced the lake, the others the road. Once they were set, Alyssa attached a location to each, then set the link for the app so every team member could get alerts on their phones. She had everyone come to the office and gave a quick overview of how to use the computer for the security system.

Sung walked over to the kitchen counter, took hot water, and filled his small thermos with tea. Then he walked out the back door into the backyard. He paused and then walked into the tree line. Seeing the others on the roof installing cameras, he smiled.

While it was a fairly easy set up, the hacker had thought to print out a manual, and 2 cheat sheets, one on the different camera locations and one on the system itself. By then it was about noon, and she took her own laptop into the living room to start on the research that needed to be done. Leaving the others to do what they needed to or to ask to help her.

Peter would follow the hacker to help with the research,

"Alyssa, when exactly do you think we should visit the Prince of Chicago?" asked Sartre.

"Even when researching, I like spending time with you.”

"We have the meeting, that we were invited to tomorrow." Alyssa responded. While she liked he was there with her, she did want to get work done so she continued with the research.

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