Tech Talk

JP with Jaxx, Redsword, Trustno1, and Cindy

Alyssa looked up at the screen, more drones. "It looks like the extra security equipment I got is arriving. Who's willing to help me retrieve it?”

Sartre said "I'll go get it." He went to retrieve the equipment.

Agent Powers quietly ate as he listened to the others. He was having trouble following the conversation but knew some of the things referred to talking to the vampire bosses. Ekaterina on the other hand was listening quietly as she ate elegantly. She was planning on the best way to use her minions when meeting the vampire Prince or Princes.

Sartre made his way towards the packaged equipment that had been dropped off by the drone from the auction house in Ealdwic. He looked for any signs of surveillance, cars slowly driving by or sitting alone at the end of the street. Seemingly watching something. He did not see anything and he even walked over to the gravel and rocks on the left side of the yard, it was common practice for certain intelligence agencies MI6, To play specially crafted Devices that worked and felt like actual rocks, beneath the false rock, there would be a listening device. He did not see any types of surveillance devices. He returned to the house.

There were a few boxes, frankly Alyssa didn't think that Peter could carry all of them. He got some though. "Let's put them in the living room, and I'll go back out with you and retrieve the rest." She paused. "The one bigger package, will be a little heavy just letting you know." It would take only one more trip and they got the rest of the equipment, and but it in the living room. Then Alyssa went back into the kitchen, and grabbed another coffee. "Max, a little later I'll need help putting up the equipment, if you're willing.”

Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder before he gave her a thumbs up as he finished his food. Ekaterina then asked, "So what are you making?”

"It's security equipment. I got more cameras for the outside, and bird and deer feeders to put them so they can be hidden." Looking at Sung. "I took your advice about that." Then back to Ekaterina. "A few extras in case something happens to the ones that get hooked up. A computer to hook up the security system to, so, it can be controlled through that rather than my laptop and everyone can have access to it. There is an office, here in the house on the first floor, it's empty so I'm going to set it up as a security center and people can take turns being on watch. I also know that storms come through this area, so, I took some precautions. Bought flashlights, a few battery operated radios, walkie talkies, extra batteries and a really good first aid kit." Alyssa responded. "We can certainly get other things as needed, but, it's a start.”

Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder then asked, "And who will be watching these cameras?”

"That's what the computer is for," Alyssa explained. "All someone has to do is pay attention to the monitors. I already have my laptop set to alert me if there is anyone coming on to or off the property, that's noticed by the current cameras. I'll just set up the new computer the same way. Like I said, I think we can go in shifts in the office. This way no one is stuck doing it all the time." Alyssa thought for a moment. "Or maybe better, I set it up to set off an alarm to everyone's phones. And then the computer would only have to be checked every so often to make sure there isn't any problems.”

Ekaterina elegantly asked, "So we can all see the cameras from our phones?”

"I can make it so you can. You would have to switch cameras to see different areas, but I could make it easier by having locations attached to each camera, for example 'lake, north.' Rather than numbers, like it's set up right now." Alyssa explained. "If a camera sets off the alarm, the phone would automatically show that camera angle.”

"In the worst case scenario; what do you think that would be Alyssa? Where do you think the threat would come from?" asked Sartre.

"The lake or the sky, we're very vulnerable in both of those areas." Alyssa responded. "Anyone have any other ideas?”

"What could trigger the alarms Alyssa?" asked Sartre.

"Anything that shouldn't be there. Strange cars, boats, attacks. Things like that." Alyssa answered.

"What would you expect to be the most probable?" asked Sartre.

"Don't know. What do you think?" Alyssa, returned the question back to Peter. "What does everyone else think?”

"Perhaps surveillance from the vampires?" said Sartre.

Sung was sitting thinking about surveillance and security. "You need to think bigger," said Sung to get the attention of the others. Cameras are great but easy to bypass. We will need many different devices, simple and advanced. Another question is, how long are we going to be here." questioned Sung. "This is what you need to ask yourself," stated Sung with a gentle smile.

"Do you think that'll be our biggest problem?" Alyssa asked Peter.
"What kind of devices do you suggest?" Alyssa asked Sung. As for how long they would be there. "Don't know. How long does it take to prevent the end of the world or a war or.... I suppose to answer that question we really need to know what exactly we need to do. But I'm guessing long enough that I'm contemplating on buying this house, for the team.”

Agent Powers then spoke up, "Well you have the motion sensor cameras, the infrared cameras, the UV cameras, the laser beam cameras, the timed cameras and the x-ray cameras. Depending on how you set them up you can see who is breaking in.”

"Well, I did buy motion sensor, infrared and motion sensor is what's on the house. They can be made into timed cameras if needed, and those others are good suggestions, but I thought Sung was talking about things other than cameras. So, I was curious as to what other things." Alyssa responded. She wasn't being dismissive she had just been curious as to what Sung meant. "And keep in mind there are only some changes I can make before I own the house.”

Ekaterina elegantly smiled as she said, "This reminds me of those cat burglar movies like the Pink Panther. They had a lot of high tech contraptions to stop the thieves, but failed in the end.”

Sung smirks. "Something simple like trip flares or chem lights. What is something we all have? Ask yourself that something is in use, " Sung says. He is trying to show them that technology is not the only thing out there. and that could bypass the tech.

Agent Powers chuckled and then said, "Yeah the banks use paint bombs or dye pack bombs to mark the bank robbers and the money they stole.”

"Flares, I know I have those in my car. But we also have Ekaterina's spies, and they definitely will be useful, if the tech can be bypassed. But it won't be very easy to tamper with or bypass the system, either." The hacker smiled and sipped some more coffee.

Sung lets out a sigh. "OK, Amima, Spells, and Magic. What are we doing to decide that?" asked Sung. He wondered if they had thought of that before. There were a lot of ways Amima could bypass tech.

"I was hoping for some ideas from others about how to protect us better from those things. I personally don't know enough about magical protections to be that confident in just coming up with ideas on my own." Alyssa responded. If I could protect myself from such things, my life might be a lot easier. she thought but didn't say. "Aren't there spells or wards against those things?”

Then Ekaterina elegantly smiled as she said, "Perhaps we could consider an easier solution?" Agent Powers gave Ekaterina a smolder then asked, "Like how?" Ekaterina elegantly replied, "Well I could have my minions work in tandem with your traps. If the trap is not set off by the intruder for any reason, my minions can set off the traps instead to give away their location.”

"I think that's a good idea." Alyssa stated, then started to get up. "Right now, I need to check that everything works. Anyone who wants to help, just come into the living room when your done with breakfast." Alyssa headed to the living room to start the unboxing.

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