Breakfast Discussion

JP with Jaxx, Redsword, Trustno1 and Cindy

Sung came down the stairs, looked around, and saw just Alyssa and Sartre. "Greetings this fine morning. I hope all is well?" Sung asked in a polite tone, walking over to get him some coffee. any other food that is there like a bagel. Then sat down across from the two. "I hope your night was restful," commented Sung, looking like a father that the kids were out all night.

Just then Agent Powers and Ekaterina came in from the front door with a few crates of freshly cooked food. Ekaterina was holding one crate and Agent Powers was holding four crates stacked up in his huge muscular arms. Ekaterina saw the others and elegantly said, "Good morning. Mr. Powers went ahead and ordered breakfast since his work out took a bit longer than expected." Agent Powers put the crates down by the table and said, "Sorry about the delay. The princess helped me order something for everyone." Then the two began unpacking and putting the food and drinks on the table. The food and drinks had all the popular favorites for everyone.

"Good morning, " Alyssa replied to Sung. "And yes, I am rested, thank you. I hope your night was as well.'

Alyssa watched as Max and Ekaterina came in carrying a lot of food. "Good morning," returning their greeting. "Well, it smells good, and I'm starving so it's all good with me.”

"May I have some pancakes? What do you make of all that Alyssa?" asked Sartre.

"I think we should eat breakfast and fill everyone else in." Alyssa said. "It would be good to hear everyone's thoughts on it.”

Agent Powers set out the marked coffee, tea and juices for everyone to choose from. Then he displayed all the eggs, pancakes, various syrups, biscuits, bacon, turkey bacon, tofu bacon, waffles, oatmeal, diced fruits, flan, sweet breads, cinnamon rolls, omelets, grits, crescents and other kosher items. Then he served himself as Ekaterina served herself before they sat down next to each other. Then Ekaterina elegantly asked, "So did your research go well Alyssa?”

"Yes, so far. I'm going to get food first." Alyssa got my coffee, some juice, then a plate of food with eggs, bacon and a croissant. "Okay, I got a text by the same person that warned me about the bombs and told me about Fairfield. It was in Russian but translated to, 'More than any blood moon. Creatures of the night can see him. Some say this is a prophecy. Others say it's natural destruction. The power of nightmares. Bernhardt Müller found something. It's either Miskatonic or Harvard. Glory to Donbass. 2027 is approaching.' Alyssa ate a bite of egg and then continued. "I managed to find out that Dr. Bernhardt Mueller of the Sons of Ether predicted the coming of the Red Star, which he called Mirzaba, in the mid-1990s. He described it as a "hyperdimensional comet" and noted that by late 2012, it would be close enough to Earth to pose a collision risk. At the time, he was laughed out of the scientific establishment. After the Red Star became visible, a vindicated Mueller and Stanislaus Wojciehowicz noted that its previous passes coincided with the demise of scientifically advanced civilizations.

The Red Star was initially unable to be seen by everyday forms of perception. It could be seen only by those gifted to see such things, but was readily apparent to oracles or people with Auspex. It could be seen in the Umbra, the Dreaming, and the Shadowlands.

As the end times neared, it brightened enough to be viewed by everyone. Using Hubble data, Marjorie Serway initially identified it as a comet, dubbing it "Serway's Comet." Dr. Xavier Filho disagreed with that interpretation. NASA declared the Red Star stellar object 2001KX76 (also Stellar Object #442899), theorizing it might be a reddish-coloured comet heading for Earth, although there was much disagreement on that point. By the rules of NASA's provisional designations, this would mean it was the 1,923rd object discovered in the second half of May, 2001, suggesting this is roughly when it became visible to most humans.

The Red Star became visible from most of the Northern Hemisphere, right in the bowl of the Big Dipper. Some theorize it may be a periodical visitor, perhaps the "bearded star" that presaged the destruction of Pompeii in 79 CE. Astronomers subsequently identified the Red Star as the dwarf planet 28978 Ixion, made highly visible in a freak event.

Shortly after its appearance to humans, the Red Star seemingly vanished just as mysteriously as it had appeared. The Void Engineers launched a cover-up, but are still suppressing evidence of the phenomenon.

The Red Star is still visible to those with certain gifts in the current nights, who sometimes stare at it to gain blessings."

Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder and paused for a bit. Ekaterina looked at him elegantly and waited to see what he would do with that explanation. He then reached over to grab a cinnamon roll and said, "Did you all have enough food?" Ekaterina held in her giggle as she smirked at him. She knew he was avoiding the conversation to not look foolish in front of the others. So Ekaterina then said, "So how does this effect our mission?”

Alyssa smiled at Max's attempt at not joining the conversation. "Well, it seems like something major will happen in 2027. It is probably related to the vamps and werewolves so, maybe, we're supposed to help stop the destruction of Earth, or something like that. At least that's my interpretation.”

Ekaterina replied, "Oh my. That sounds rather serious. I wonder ho many factions will be involved in such an event." Agent Powers shrugged and muttered, "My guess is over twenty including our groups as well.”

Ekaterina pondered for a bit as she nibbled on some bread and elegantly swallowed it. Then she wiped her mouth properly before saying, "Well if we compare it to the history of today we have a lot of long term fighting still going on." Agent Powers swallowed his food and washed it down with some orange juice before he replied, "Yeah most of Africa has been at it for centuries and there is no clear winner despite all the death and destruction. If the vampires and werewolves are the same types I can see infighting for a long time as well.”

"Perhaps we could ask The Prince of Chicago about it." said Sartre

Alyssa nodded to what Ekaterina and Max said. To Peter's suggestion, "That is a good idea.”

"If I had a dime for every time I heard it would be the end of the world, I would not have to work anymore. Most of the time, they are wrong. In all the years I have been defending humanity, only once did it get close to destroying the world as we know it," comments Sung, taking some fruit and placing it on his plate.

"Now, would The Prince of Chicago know more, most likely say yes? They have some books that date back before, well, way back. Now the question is, does The Prince of Chicago care enough to help? That would be a better question," Sung adds to the conversation.

"Alyssa; what do you think the difference is between the Prince of Chicago and the Prince of Gary? How do their personalities differ?" asked Sartre.

Alyssa thought for a moment, then answered, "Well, that would be easier to ask if I'd met both of them, but, based on what we know about their individual clans. I would guess maybe The Prince of Gary is maybe more artsy, possibly a little more in the moment. The Prince of Chicago, I think, will be a planner and business-like.”

"Prince of Gary? My understanding of the structure was that there was one prince or leader per city," questioned Sung, looking a bit confused. "I do not know any city called Gary. Above that is an elder, and that I would not like to meet. From what I have heard, they could kill off a whole city of vampires and werewolves and not break a sweat or have a second thought," said Sung thinking and sipping his coffee.

"Gary is where the hotel was as well." Alyssa was confused by Sung's comment. "There is only one Prince of Gary.”

Sung thought for a moment, then smiled. "Now that makes more sense. Sorry, for some reason, I did not make the connection," replied Sung, eating some of his fruit.

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