Before The Others Awake

JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

Alyssa awoke the next morning, in Peter's arms. She wondered how he'd be doing this morning. It had been a fun night, but it really made her not want to get out of bed. She kissed his chest, then his lips. "Good morning," the hacker smiled at him.

"Good Morning Alyssa, you were much more restrained and prudent last night than I thought you would be. You are amazing, my hacker. Shall we grab a shower?”

It wasn't like Alyssa was very experienced in such things. So, she wondered, a little, what he had expected. "Yes, let's. There's a lot of work to do today.”

After the shower and getting ready Alyssa headed downstairs. It was still early so she wasn't sure who else was awake, but assumed others would be waking soon.

While the hacker couldn't cook, she could make an excellent cup of coffee, so she set to work doing just that. As the woman was figuring out what was in the cabinets, she ran across a cappuccino machine. She guessed that Max hadn't discovered it, yet. Something to mention later.

"What are we doing today Alyssa?" asked Sartre.

"I have more cameras and security equipment being delivered this morning that will need to be installed. Then research. I didn't get much done yesterday." Alyssa replied.

"You got quite a bit done last night." he smirked. The hacker was powerful being so small.

Alyssa grinned, and bit back a laugh. "While true, not what I meant." She paused. "Coffee's ready." As she went to grab some sugar and creamer. "Can you get down some cups and take out some spoons?”

Sartre grabbed the cups and utensils.

Alyssa put the items on the counter, and her phone chimed. Looking down at her screen. "What the...??”

"What is it Alyssa?”

"It's from the same person that messaged me about the bomb and Fairfield, but here look..." Alyssa showed him her phone.

Больше, чем любая кровавая луна.

Его могут увидеть существа ночи

Некоторые говорят, что это пророчество.

Другие говорят, что это естественное разрушение.

Сила кошмаров.

Бернхардт Мюллер кое-что нашел.

Либо Мискатоник, либо Гарвард.

Слава Донбассу.

Приближается 2027 год.

The hacker sighed, "You wouldn't happen to know Greek, would you?”

"It's Cyrillic, which means Greek but also Russian. Try translating it from Russian, Agent Wilson." said Sartre.

Since the other team members hadn't arrived yet, he took the opportunity to play with her hair.

Alyssa sat down with her coffee, "My Russian is a little rusty. Let's see if I can do this with out using the translation program I have." The hacker read it over a few times, then said. "Okay, I think I've got it.

'More than any blood moon. Creatures of the night can see him. Some say this is a prophecy. Others say it's natural destruction. The power of nightmares. Bernhardt Müller found something. It's either Miskatonic or Harvard. Glory to Donbass. 2027 is approaching.' “

"Bernhardt Müller?" asked Sartre

"That's what it says," Alyssa hit a button. "Here I sent the original and the translation to your phone, so you can loll it over.”

"He would be interesting to look up." Sartre continued. "He was thrown out of academia for publishing a "fraudulent paper" about a "Red Star stellar object 2001KX76 (also Stellar Object #442899)" said Sartre, quoting the webpage.

"I seem to remember reading something about a comet, in 2001. Though it wasn't visible to anyone without a telescope. It was reddish in color." Alyssa sipped more of her coffee. "The Illuminati keep really good records on such events.”

"Can you look in the Illuminati archives for that? Everyone else is still asleep." said Sartre.

"I'll need my laptop. It's up in our room." Alyssa commented

Sartre said, "I'll go get it for you. Is your hacker hoodie upstairs? Asked Sartre." It will be much more entertaining to research with you if you are wearing your hacker hoodie.”

Alyssa laughed, "Yes, that's upstairs as well. Thanks.”

He grabbed her laptop and hoodie, bringing them downstairs to her.

"I guess, I can set it up in here." As noone had come down yet, Alyssa figured it shouldn't take long.

"Put your hoodie on.” Peter commented.

Alyssa hooked up her laptop, at the table and slid her hoodie on. "How's that?" She asked, after putting the hood up and sitting in front of her computer.

"Nice. I'll get it off you later." He put his finger to her lips. "Let's see what you can find.”

Alyssa started her research, wondering how long it would be before the others showed up. After a few minutes, she peered up from her laptop. "It says here that Dr. Bernhardt Mueller of the Sons of Ether predicted the coming of the Red Star, which he called Mirzaba, in the mid-1990s. He described it as a "hyperdimensional comet" and noted that by late 2012, it would be close enough to Earth to pose a collision risk. At the time, he was laughed out of the scientific establishment. After the Red Star became visible, a vindicated Mueller and Stanislaus Wojciehowicz noted that its previous passes coincided with the demise of scientifically advanced civilizations.

The Red Star was initially unable to be seen by everyday forms of perception. It could be seen only by those gifted to see such things, but was readily apparent to oracles or people with Auspex. It could be seen in the Umbra, the Dreaming, and the Shadowlands.

As the end times neared, it brightened enough to be viewed by everyone. Using Hubble data, Marjorie Serway initially identified it as a comet, dubbing it "Serway's Comet." Dr. Xavier Filho disagreed with that interpretation.[1] NASA declared the Red Star stellar object 2001KX76 (also Stellar Object #442899), theorizing it might be a reddish-coloured comet heading for Earth, although there was much disagreement on that point. By the rules of NASA's provisional designations, this would mean it was the 1,923rd object discovered in the second half of May, 2001, suggesting this is roughly when it became visible to most humans.

The Red Star became visible from most of the Northern Hemisphere, right in the bowl of the Big Dipper. Some theorize it may be a periodical visitor, perhaps the "bearded star" that presaged the destruction of Pompeii in 79 CE. Astronomers subsequently identified the Red Star as the dwarf planet 28978 Ixion, made highly visible in a freak event.

Shortly after its appearance to mortals, the Red Star seemingly vanished just as mysteriously as it had appeared. The Void Engineers launched a cover-up, but are still suppressing evidence of the phenomenon.

The Red Star is still visible to those with certain gifts in the current nights, who sometimes stare at it to gain blessings.”

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