A Different Kind Of Research

JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

Peter followed Alyssa up to their room so he could watch her research and help with the research. As he laid down he asked, "How have your dreams been? Are you sleeping alright? Any nightmares?"

"The nap was alright. I mean I always have nightmares. Except those for those few months. Would it weird if I said, I think Prue might have been protecting me?" Alyssa realized she didn't answer the question. "I had a nightmare during the nap, but it was mild compared to what I usually get. I was able to just go back to sleep."

"What was your most recent nightmare about?" Alyssa, are you up for using our extra delivery?" Peter asked. "Wait, you said Prue protected you from the nightmares?"

"I said I think she might have. There's no way to know for sure. All I know is I stopped getting them, after she started appearing to me, and now she's gone and they're back." Alyssa explained. "Do we have to discuss this right now?"

"Oh no, you can relax my hacker. I love spending time with you." Peter then added, "You were pretty last night. and brave. I noticed smiles. "

She smiled at him, then straddled his lap. "You know that nap, made it so I'm wide awake now."

"Wide awake and looking like you want to be brutal......" You are anything but prudent my Alyssa." he said. He had noticed a change in her. He closed his eyes.

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