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View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji
Airport Eavesdropping
London Heathrow Airport - West London, England.
Eun-Ji's customized Grilled Salmon Salad arrived, and she delicately adjusted the arrangement on her plate to her liking. Engaging in a bit of people-watching, her attention was drawn to an airport employee approaching a man at the bar. Her curiosity had previously been peeked in that direction due to the mismatch between the two.
Intrigued, she overheard the employee inquiring if he was the Sky Marshal for the San Francisco departure. The man, confirming his role as law enforcement, exchanged a few words with the younger woman accompanying him. Their conversation hinted at a shared workplace and a reminder not to be tardy, alluding to a boss. Eun-Ji discreetly continued observing, tolerating her meal while absorbing the intriguing airport drama unfolding nearby. It was interesting to her that a Sky Marshall would be drinking right before active duty.