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View character profile for: Moon Eun-Ji
Now Boarding All Zone
London Heathrow Airport - West London, England.
As Eun-Ji wrapped up her meal at The Oceanic Pub and Kitchen, she carefully arranged her things and made her way to the restroom to freshen up. The crisp scent of hand sanitizer lingered as she rejoined the stream of travelers heading towards the departure gate. Opting to stand and avoid prolonged sitting, she observed the boarding process, her patience evident as she waited for her boarding zone to be called last. As she progressed down the narrow aisle to her assigned seat, a sea of glances followed her, blending admiration and curiosity. The former, because she had the presence and appearance of a model. The latter, because she was dressed like first class but was in the back of economy. The Dragon organization booked her seat intentionally, to emphasize her lowest on the ladder status as a newcomer and no amount of powers, legacy, or wealth would merit special treatment.
Settling into the last row of the plane, she donned her noise-canceling headphones, diving into a book on tape, determined to navigate this journey in her own focused orbit.