Thoughts, Observations, and Meeting at Heathrow (4)

*Including Lumina, Eun-ji, and Corinth*

"Am I in a relationship? Is that what passes for small talk nowadays?" He laughed to himself as Lumina's face started to change color, even if only slightly. "Now are you asking because you're curious or because you're interested?" He winked at her as he turned to the food that was placed in front of him.

"I know what you meant and the answer is no. Been a long time since I was in anything that resembled a relationship. Different life, so to speak." He took a bite of one of his fries and trailed off for a second. "Look," he said turning back to her, "whatever you did is over and done with as far as I'm converened. That was yesterday and today is today. You keep your head in today and we'll get along just fine. No point in dwelling in the past. Learn from your mistakes and victories, then move on." Taking a sip of his drink, he finished, "people who live in the past never go anywhere. That's it," biting into another fry, "that's my lecture for today."

Corinth continued eating and even ordered another round for himself and Lumina, even though he said he was only going to buy the first. He couldn't help but notice the young woman that sat close to them wearing her expensive out. Corinth didn't know fashion, but it looked expensive. When she placed her order, he couldn't help but overhear her and thought that she sounded either really picky or she was a woman who knew what she wanted.

"So," not looking at her, but paying more attention to his food and drink, "do you go by Lumina or is that a nickname? Should I call you something different? More professional?"

Not long after he asked his question, a man approached Corinth and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked over at him and noticed that he was wearing a uniform, signaling him as an employee of the airport.

"Are you the Sky Marshall for the San Francisco bound plane?"

Corinth looked over at Lumina and smiled, raising his eyebrows. "Why yes I am," he replied back to the man.

"The captain of the plane wishes to speak with you before boarding begins."

"They always do. Tell him I'll be right there." The employee nodded and then moved away back towards the loading gate.

"Duty calls." He reached into his pocket and pulled out some money and tossed it on the counter. When he put that away, he reached in and pulled out a small prescription bottle, shook out a pill, and tossed it back, chasing it with the rest of his whiskey. "Don't be late for the plane. I would hate for you to have to go back and tell the boss you got left behind. I got you bumped to first class. Thank me later." He tipped his hat to her and walked away.

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