Taking In A Swim

JP with Trustno1, Jaxx, mdman and Cindy

Alyssa made her way upstairs and glanced down the hallway, for a moment, she wondered what the two Templar were discussing. It hadn’t been so noticeable when it was just Eun-Ji and herself on the team, as Eun-Ji was not very sociable with anyone but now with Dahlia and Ekaterina being so close, Alyssa was wondering what it would be like to have a close female friend, something she had not been privy to in her life.

The hacker went into her bedroom closing the door behind her, once again there were feelings that Alyssa didn't usually allow herself. Nope, not happening she wasn't going to be upset over it. After all, it was what it was, it wasn't like she really expected or wanted to be friends with the Templar, at least not so soon, it was more a curiosity. She was used to being alone, that had been so much easier than what being part of this group seemed to internally bring up.

Sartre followed the hacker to their room "What are your theories Alyssa?" he asked "How can I help you?”

"Theories? I think we'll probably end up in over our heads, but what else is new?" Alyssa quipped. "You willing to help with the research?”

"Absolutely. Can you show me how to use the dark web in regards to paranormal things Alyssa?" he asked

"Sure," Alyssa opened her suitcase and started putting her clothes in the dressers and closet. Especially her favorite black leather jacket. She pulled out a purple bikini, then a blue and black swimsuit. "Maybe, I should have said I'd take in a swim before the computer stuff.”

"May I join you?" he asked. "Nice jacket.”

"Of course," she smiled at him. "Thanks, it was a graduation gift from my father when I got my degree." Which explained why it was so important to her, and why she wore it so often.

Pulling out her phone the hacker messaged Dahlia, [/i] I'm going for a swim first before getting started on the computer stuff. [/i] Just so the other woman wouldn't have to go looking for her or wonder why she wasn't in the living room. "I'll have to get the rest of what I need out of my van, but after our swim." Alyssa finished putting her things away and then leaned over and kissed Peter. "I'll get changed and meet you downstairs at the pool.”

Once Alyssa was ready she made her way to the pool, she got in and dove under the water. The pool was heated but still refreshing. She came up for air, wondering when Peter would join her.

Peter saw Alyssa emerge from the murky blue. As he jumped into the pool he was impressed by the hacker’s swimming. The smell of chlorine was apparent as it rose from the blue colored cold pool water. He swam towards the pallid hacker. He ran his fingers through her wet hair. “Hey there, how are you feeling since last night? You were amazing... Did you enjoy it?” Peter blushed.

Alyssa felt the heat in her cheeks rise, "I'm good, great actually." She smiled noticing his blush, though the hacker was surprised by it, after all he was more experienced than her.

The moment felt sweet, with him checking on her but, a little awkward. "Do you think you can catch me?" Alyssa playfully asked, in an attempt to break the awkwardness.

The hacker dove back under the water.

He dove after the hacker, knowing she would be fast due to her size. In the chip: "You are the road runner of hacking. Beep Beep." He joked to Alyssa.

Dahlia walked into the pool area with Kat and Max following. She stopped at the sight of Agent Sartre and Alyssa laying before them. A smirk appeared upon her face as she watched Peter and Alyssa apparently flirting in the pool. That was a different combination. Of course, both seemed socially awkward, except that Alyssa had done well at leading the meetings. She understood why Yeong had trusted her.

“Hello,” she managed with a grin. Apparently, there was a third couple on the team.

Alyssa came up for air, and chuckled at Peter's joke She waved at the newcomers, then dove in again. Swimming underwater was kind of liberating, in a sense. However, this time the vision hit her hard causing her to try to catch her breath and in turn start to drown.

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