Close Call

JP with mdman, Jaxx, Trustno1, and Cindy

As they were heading down stairs Agent Powers was doing his best to not look at Ekaterina's sexy backside. He felt awkward that he kept thinking about his romantic night with her. He didn't know what to say or do with her now. He was doing his best to stay calm since he felt she was in charge of their situation now. Then as they got downstairs and he heard Dahlia speak he looked over to see Alyssa convulsing in the bottom of the pool. Out of instinct he sidestepped the two ¹women in front of him and dove quickly into the pool. He swam quickly and in seconds he grabbed Alyssa and pushed off the bottom of the pool as he launched out of the water and onto the side of the pool. Then he checked Alyssa's vitals.

Sartre dove down into the darkness, but realized the hacker had already been rescued. Having exited the pool, He bent down seeing how much water was in Wilson's lungs.

Agent Powers Then put his pinky into Alyssa's mouth as he concentrated on making a skinny slime tube to gently suck the water from her lungs.

Dahlia went to their side. “Is there anything we can do?”

Agent Power was focused on removing the water from Alyssa's lungs and once he finished he slowly added air to her lungs to induce her coughing. He replied, "Hold on.”

Agent Power was focused on removing the water from Alyssa's lungs and once he finished he slowly added air to her lungs to induce her coughing. He replied, "Hold on.”

Deep in her vision: the darkness enveloped Alyssa's mind. It wasn't horrifying more of a sad, melancholy fell over the scene. Standing before her stood the Halliwell sister, the one she had inadvertently grown close to, including leather jacket, the pentacle Peter had given her around her neck somehow simmering slightly though there seemed to be no light coming, Prue however certainly shinned.

"Alyssa," Prue's voice sounded sad.

The witch had never spoke to her before in a vision. It was then Alyssa knew. "You're gone aren't you."

"Yes," Prue explained. "You will get one more gift from me, and then I won't be on this plain."

"Will I never see you again," Alyssa asked, sad at the notion but even more upset that Prue would never be mortal again

Prue shrugged, "Never say never. By the way , I knew, you and FBI man would make a good couple. Take care of each other and yourself."

Alyssa felt tears well up in her eyes, as Prue began to fade. "Wait, thank you." The other woman knew what for.

Prue smirked, "I like when I'm right. Now, get back to them, before they think you've died or something. Time for your gift, and I can only do this once so use it wisely."

"Good bye, Prue."
"Good bye, Chickie."

Alyssa wasn't coming to, but a white glow seemed to envelop her. The glow disappeared as quickly as it came. The hacker started coughing and slowly came to. She said nothing but tears formed in her eyes.

Agent Powers exhaled in relief as he slowly removed his elongated tube finger from her lungs and pulled his regular muscular finger from her mouth. He then said, "You had us worried for a moment Alyssa. You okay now?" Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder as he waited for a response. Ekaterina watched at how serious Agent Powers was at protecting Alyssa. He took his job as her bodyguard seriously just like back at the witches mansion when he held onto her tightly while shooting into the portal. Ekaterina wondered if he would do the same for her if she was in danger. A part of her was jealous of Alyssa but at the same time Agent Powers didn't look at Alyssa the same way he did Ekaterina. On the bright side she knew he was a tough kid who was fearless and powerful.

"Yes, I think so. Thank you for rescuing me." She seemed physically alright but there was definitely a sadness in her eyes. It wasn’t common to see Alyssa cry but those were definitely tears she was wiping away from her hazel eyes.

Realizing people were watching her, the hacker blurted out. "Prue Halliwell is gone. I guess you could say she's passed on. She just came to me in a vision."

Agent power gave Alyssa a smolder then replied, "So the ghost lady died huh?”

"I've been having visions of her since we left them but she doesn't ever speak to me, and usually it was in my dreams. This was different, she spoke to me." Alyssa explained. "She had said she would let me know.”

"What did she say?” Peter asked.

Alyssa sat up slowly, thinking about how much to reveal. "Prue said, she was visiting with me then that she would be gone from this plane. Then she said she had one more gift to give me." Which explained the white light that had surrounded the hacker. "I'm not sure what Prue meant by that. Oh, Peter she was also wearing the Pentacle you gave her." Realizing that her and Peter's relationship was no longer a secret, the hacker added. "She also added that she liked being right.”

Agent Powers quietly listened to Alyssa as he was still kneeling by her side. He watched her for any relapses or change in skin color. He was not sure what she meant by her vision or dream so he didn't ask about it. He did note that Sartre did seem to know what she was talking about though. Ekaterina was curious as she quietly listened to them talk. She was still learning about the other members on the mixed team.

Dahlia remained quiet as Max did whatever it was he did to bring Alyssa back. Although, it sounded as though this Prue had everything under control.

Alyssa had said she was no longer on this plane. This caused Dahlia to think of the presence she had felt beyond the stars. Is that the plane that this Prue had gone to? This increased Dahlia’s desire to find out more about the presence she felt. Was it the Creative Source? God? Yahweh?

“Agent Wilson,” Dahlia said, “we are all glad you are still with us. Agent Powers, you did well at rescuing her. I told you that you look like you belonged on Baywatch.” She grinned at her attempt to lighten the mood. “You may wish to rest a while, Agent Powers, so I won’t bother you to show me the darknet.”

Agent Powers replied, "Ummm thanks I think? But she is right Alyssa. You probably need to rest before going back to work. We don't know how much strain you put on your body when you have these moments." Agent Powers was concerned but relieved at the same time now that Alyssa was responding to everyone. Agent Powers looked at Sartre and said, "One of us has to be with her at all times from now on since this is getting dangerous." He then picked Alyssa up and gently placed her on a pool lounge chair. Then he asked, "Did you need any freshly squeezed juice or snacks Alyssa? I am worried about your lack of nutrition in this condition." Ekaterina elegantly smiled as she said, "I can help with that Mr. Powers. We can then relax by the pool." Ekaterina was hoping to calm the mood so Alyssa was not surrounded by tense people.

She was about to say something about doing the dark web with Dahlia, as her mind went instantly to work when something upsetting happened but the concerned looks and with how tired she felt, it negated that thought. "I can show you tomorrow." She responded to Dahlia.

The hacker thanked Max for carrying her to one of the lounges, as he mentioned juice and snacks, she realized the man meant healthy things. "Yes, that would be nice. Just whatever you can put together is fine, thanks.”

Agent Powers then gave Alyssa and Sartre a smolder before he left to make some fresh squeezed juices and diced fruit. Ekaterina followed him to help out.

In the chip; "Alyssa you need to rest for the rest of the day. We can talk in our room later. I'm curious about previous visions and dreams. I'm so glad you are safe." said Sartre.

Alyssa responded into the chip to Peter, "Well, you might have to remind me to take it easy." She'd admit she was a workaholic. "Will you come sit in the chair next to me?”

Dahlia eased into a chair beside Alyssa. She was learning to respect her as much as Yeong did.

Laying her head back against the seat, Dahlia respectfully said to Alyssa, “I’ve been working alongside Choi quite a bit on this mission. I am understanding why he thinks highly of you, Alyssa. You have earned his respect and are earning mine.”

"Thank you," Alyssa meant that, she did take it as a compliment from the Templar. "I don't ever mean to come across as aloof, if I do. I'm not exactly used to working with others, it takes me a while to relax around people I don't know well.”

“Well,” Dahlia affirmed, “something tells me that before all is over, we will all know each other very well.”

(I)Some more than others,(/i) Dahlia thought, (I)but very well indeed.(/i)

“If the council gets their wishes,” she continued, “we’re together for the long haul.”

"True," Alyssa agreed. "Ever wonder who's idea this was, I mean joining the factions like this?”

"Alyssa, are you feeling better?" asked Sartre.

"Yes, thanks. Just a little tired." Alyssa responded to Peter.

Peter reached to take the hacker's hand.

“I have no idea,” Dahlia truthfully stated. “I’m not even sure how they are going to monitor this, since Marina got called back to Vienna.”

Why would it matter to the council if all factions cooperated or didn’t? It seemed odd to Dahlia, knowing the differences between the factions.

Alyssa took Peter's hand, but was paying attention to what Dahlia said. "Yes, I was wondering that myself. I have a sinking feeling if they all want us to work together then they either know or suspect something big is coming.”

"The question is what is coming?" asked Sartre. "Alyssa, don't the vampires leave something called Gehenna?”

"I haven't read anything about that, yet. If I come across that in my research, I'll let you know." Alyssa responded.

“Gehenna,” Dahlia stated, is a valley that surrounds the west and southwest walls of old Jerusalem. In ancient times, before the exportation to Babylon, many Hebrews sacrificed their children to Molech in that valley. When my soplé returned, it became a garbage dump that continually burned to keep the practice from returning. This is why it is used to refer to as hell in the Christian writings.”

"That's interesting. It certainly seems like the vampires are connected to religion at least part in the Jewish religion and part in the Christian religion." Alyssa didn't know as much about it as she would have liked.

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