Love Bites

Dahlia smiled at Kat’s response. She had to give her an update.

When they entered Dahlia’s room, Dahlia closed the door, then sat upon the edge of the bed. She patted the spot next to her.

“Time for an update,” she said.

Ekaterina elegantly smiled as she replied, "Well my minions have not found anything outside the mansion if you are curious about the security."

“I’m certain your friends will give us plenty of warning,” Dahlia affirmed her belief in what Ekaterina could do. She giggled, “Yeong and I had a breakthrough night last night!”

Ekaterina elegantly smiled as she turned a bit red. Then she slowly and elegantly said, "I had an inkling that may have been the case when we passed each other as he left your room at the hotel."

“You passed each other in the halls?” Dahlia sounded surprised. “You were out and about early then, dear!”

Ekaterina had a coy smile as she replied, "Wellllll............I was leaving Mr. Powers' room at the same time." Ekaterina looked a bit shy as she answered.

“Ooooh!” Dahlia giggled with glee. “I was going to say, your room was next to mine, so you shouldn’t have passed each other. Now, I understand!”

Dahlia took Kat’s hand in hers. “You have to tell me; what was it like?”

Ekaterina took a deep breath as she pondered what she was going to say next. Dahlia was he best friend and trusted partner so she knew it would another secret among a long list that would be safe. She then replied, "Well I accidently discovered there is more to Agent Powers and he has a very big secret that we should both keep until he is ready to share it with the others outside the Illuminati."

There were just a handful of things that Dahlia could think that Kat meant. She realized that Powers acted younger than he looked, but wasn’t sure how that played into the secret. She knew the man seemed to still be a daddy’s boy, always deferring to what his dad told him to do. Again, Dahlia didn’t understand how that would be part of the secret. All that was out in the open. Then a thought struck her.

“You mean Agent Powers,” Dahlia sounded and looked surprised again, “was a forty-year-old virgin?”

Ekaterina turned red in the face as she giggled elegantly. Then she took a breath and regained her composer before she replied, "Not quite. Agent Max Powers is actually only 18 years old. His special ability allows him alter his body into that muscular older man. I discovered this when I planned to get him drunk and seduce him. However since he was still as pure as the driven snow, I didn't need the wine to charm him. Also the reason he depends on his father is because of his odd upbringing." Ekaterina was a bit smug as she had a lot of secret intel on Agent Powers.

Dahlia giggled, lifting her feet up onto the bed, trying to keep it quiet. “Now it makes sense,” Dahlia responded through giggles. “He sure does have a lot of experience in the field for one so young.”

“Congratulations!” Dahlia offered to Kat. “You’ve found out something, when I haven’t. Choi is much more non-trusting in certain matters. I had to back off; he was more standoffish at my advances. We got to know more of each other through working together. Last night, he took me to dinner and dancing. It was truly romantic. Then when we returned, he asked to come into my room.”

Ekaterina giggled in a girlish manner as she quietly asked, "And did you conquer him?"

“Oh,” Dahlia exclaimed, “it was glorious. I used the everlasting endurance of the Kabbalah to energize him.” She giggled. “Let’s just say, we only had a few hours of sleep.”

Ekaterina giggled like a school girl. She loved her girl talk with Dahlia since it was frowned upon back home. She replied, "You are so bad. So is this a long term or short term relationship?"

“I’m not sure yet,” Dahlia admitted. “The relationship would be frowned upon at home, unless Yeong converted to Judaism, which I don’t see happening. But,” she quickly added with a smirk, “I do like the guy. He’s very confident in himself and his abilities.”

“What about you and Agent Powers?” she asked. “I mean, I realize he’s young, but he is legal.”

Ekaterina smirked and then replied, "Its complicated. I mean my family would never approve since he is not a noble, but he is so sweet, a good listener, a great cook, he can change his form into a powerhouse and he is fearless." Ekaterina sighed then continued, " Sadly his father is far more cruel than mine. For starters Agent Max Powers was adopted at the age of 8 and raised a super soldier, can you believe that? His father had him trained to hunt down drug lords, assassins and other wanted criminals to give him field experience for the last decade. His home school education is also limited so that explains his ignorance on a lot of topics like romance, teamwork, current events and so on. Till he joined the team his only past time was watching movies on his phone or playing video games. He is so lonely, its heartbreaking. To be honest I want to take him away on a world vacation away from our crazy life but we both know that is not possible." Ekaterina sighed as she knew how complicated her life was already but it would be more chaotic if Max was included.

Dahlia gave Ekaterina a hug, knowing her thoughts on the royal family’s control over her life. “If it gets to be too much, fight back with your family. I’ll be your ally. You should have a choice of who you want in your life.”

The more Dahlia talked, the more she realized the advice was meant for herself as well as Kat. She had the right to choose who she wanted in her life too.

Dahlia received a text from Alyssa. She had gone swimming.

Ekaterina hugged Dahlia back as took comfort in her friend's embrace. She knew Dahlia was tough as nails due to her upbringing and it meant the world to her that she could confide in her. Ekaterina replied, "I am truly blessed to have you in my life, you know that. I don't know what will happen in the future but as long as I have you in my life I know I can continue on forward." Ekaterina leaned her head on Dahlia's shoulder and asked, "I don't know if its love or not but I do like being with Max. He is the first to listen to what I want as opposed to the others who see me as a trophy."

It was hard for Dahlia to imagine a young man not desiring a princess in his life. Wasn’t that the whole idea behind fairytales? Yet, Agent Powers had seemed that innocent.

“Then enjoy being with him, my friend,” Dahlia encouraged.

She remembered the text. She stood and peered outside. No swimming pool was outside. It must be inside.

“Hmmmm!” Dahlia grinned, “Alyssa has gone swimming. Let’s put my things away, put on swimsuits and join her.”

Ekaterina smirked as she elegantly nodded and sat up. She replied, "Ohh that sounds divine. I'll have my minion keep watch in case we have any party crashers." Ekaterina then made her way to her room to figure out which swimsuit to wear. She had to decide on the sexy bikini, the sexy one piece and the cute bikini with frills. As she heard Agent Powers passing her room she opened her door and invited him inside to help her pick her swimsuit out.

Dahlia selected a white two piece suit. It was used mostly for tanning, as it left few lines. She waited, with her laptop in hand, for Ekaterina to get hers on outside of her room.

After teasing Agent Powers, Ekaterina decided to go with the sexy two piece bikini. Since Ekaterina already knew about Agent Powers secret power he altered his clothing with his slime body and changed to a pair of red swim trunks. Then they grabbed a few towels and left the room to meet Dahlia. Ekaterina was a bit red in the face as she came out of her room with Agent Powers who was a bit distracted.

Dahlia winked at Kat. “Word certainly gets around, doesn’t it!” she exclaimed.

She looked at Powers in his swim suit. “Agent Powers,” she said, “I commend you for your taste. You should have been on Baywatch!”

Agent Powers cocked his head to the side with a confused look. Then he asked, "Is that a fishing movie?" Ekaterina held in her giggle as she looked away.

Dahlia chuckled. “Not quite. It’s main characters were lifeguards with muscles in red swimsuits.

Agent Powers paused as he thought about the lifeguards then gave Dahlia a smolder before he replied, "Oh lifeguards. So they made a movie about them huh? Mt bad, I usually don't watch movies like that stuff so I spaced on it. Was it any good?"

“Actually,” Dahlia said with a sheepish grin, “you’ve got me there. I never have the time for going to movies. So, I haven’t seen it. I’ll reserve judgment on whether it was good or not.”

She looked to Kat. “Let’s get downstairs.”

Ekaterina nodded as she regained her composure. Agent Powers had a way of amusing her with his innocence. As Dahlia and Ekaterina headed downstairs, Agent Powers quietly followed them.


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