Meeting Ends

JP with mdman, Redsword, Jaxx, and Cindy

"Well, you do make a good point," Alyssa addressed Sung, then the group in general. "However, if we can help in a war that might harm people then we might just want to be involved. I think it's hard to know what to do before we meet with the Prince, that being said, it seems like the vampires aren't the side that wants us dead, which is a big indication on whose side we should be on. We also might not have much of a choice whether or not we join the war, we might have already started something we can't just back out of.”

Ekaterina elegantly pondered before she asked, "So we need more information of the various factions of the underworld as well. Is it possible that there are more than just the werewolves and vampire factions?"

Agent Powers gave Ekaterina a smolder and then replied, "Sounds like this is getting more complicated.”

Dahlia listened to all. “Two countries fighting a war is one thing,” she stated, “but these are factions within one country. It would be the same as a feud, where others get hurt.”

“We must bring balance to this part of the world,” Choi expressed. “Perhaps some of the city, the part that is mostly dead, can be repurposed as forests. If we seek a peaceful solution, we may find one.”

Agent Powers gave Choi a smolder then shook his head no. He then asked, "I can't see that working out Choi. North Africa has been constantly fighting for how many years now, Dahlia?"

Ekaterina rubbed her temples as she already knew where Agent Powers was going with this.

Sung gave his own smile. "You guys are right. Thinking about how many organizations. Now let us throw in what two vampire groups that I know of. Who knows werewolf packs now? Round it off with our combined group." Sung paused for a moment thinking. "So did we start a world war?" Sung questioned with a sarcastic tone.

"There are a lot of vampire groups, or clans. I'm not done finding out about all of them but I have at least five different ones. I'll find more about the werewolves as well." Alyssa thought. "If anyone wants access to the dark web to find out more, let me know. The information on there will be far more accurate, as long as you know where to go.”

Dahlia nodded. “I would like access to it, if you do not mind.”

She was certain her eyes would be opened to many things. Even when she worked for Mossad, they were the ones that may have that information. She just took the information they gathered to complete a job for them.

Sartre said, "Could Ventrue be one of the clans?”

"It is," Alyssa stated. "I am still learning about them. I did learn they like power, and are big in the business world. I believe the Prince of Chicago is a Ventrue.”

Choi had been struggling with a question in his mind. “Why hasn’t the authorities dealt with any of these gang wars? That’s basically what it comes down to. The same as Genovese and Gambino families. Or the Blood and the Crips.”

"That I'm not sure about. My thought is either the authorities don't know, or they know and don't want to get involved. Maybe they don't want to tangle with vampires and werewolves, maybe they're paid to look the other way." Alyssa commented.

Agent Powers gave the group a smolder then replied, "Well if you think about it, the vampires and werewolves were around for a long time so it would not be a shock if they already found a way to blend in with everyone. So I would not be surprised to find some of them working for the state and federal governments."

Ekaterina elegantly nodded as she replied, "If they run big business it would make sense they could be everywhere now.”

Choi looked over his shoulder as a demonstration. “So now, we have to be aware of everyone around us.”

Agent powers gave Choi a smolder then replied, "That's every day for me."

Ekaterina elegantly smirked and replied, "Mr. Powers, you really need to live a bit more."

Agent Powers powers cocked his head to the side in confusion and said, "Huh? But I live everyday."

Ekaterina tried not to laugh as she looked the other way.

Dahlia chuckled, as did Choi. She added, “We definitely need to be alert to our surroundings, even in open spaces. Wolves have a stalking ability.”

Alyssa smiled at Max's comment, but held back laughing, as it felt like laughing at him and because she knew things about him, she understood his comment. "That's why I don't want people wandering the property at night." Alyssa commented. "I would like a group to explore the property today, or a few groups. At least explore the property line, make sure there are no vulnerable spots that might have been missed.”

Sung looked at everyone and looked to be in thought. He turned and walked out heading for the kitchen and dropping off his plate and cup. He paused looking around the kitchen. Then went to the back door and walked out.

Ekaterina was puzzled by Sung's departure as she asked Choi, "Did we upset him?”

Alyssa was a little puzzled by Sung's departure as well, but then she realized, "He might be checking the outside of the house? Choi, could you check on him?" She paused. "I think we need to find out more about both the werewolves and vampires and we can meet later, maybe tonight or tomorrow morning. Does anyone have anything else to bring up at the moment?”

Choi nodded at Alyssa. He had intended to do so, but also had the same thoughts as she. Most likely, Sung was investigating. That was the kind of man Sung was.

Choi stood and walked out the kitchen door. Spying Sung, he called, “Master Sung, hold up, I will assist you.”

Dahlia asked, “What about the meeting with the Prince? Wasn’t that set up for tonight? Or, is that now irrelevant?”

"We're meeting with the Prince of Chicago in two nights. I had planned, originally, to set up a meeting with the Nosfartu Primogen of Gary, to try to get us to eventually meet with the Prince of Gary but that seems a moot point now.”

Sartre decided to check the perimeter of the house.

Dahlia didn’t understand all these changes. Of course, Alyssa was the one that received the information and who had access to the dark net.

“Then,” Dahlia replied full of hope, “you will have time to show me how to access the dark net.”

After checking the outside perimeter, Sartre reentered. "What do you suggest we do for the rest of the morning and afternoon, Agent Wilson? " He asked.

"If we still feel a need to speak to the Prince of Gary, after we talk to the Prince of Chicago, we can arrange that later." Alyssa explained, she just really didn’t want the extra steps if it wasn't necessary. "And yes, Dahlia I absolutely can help you and anyone else who wants it get onto the dark web." She turned to Peter, "I'll be busy with making this place more secure, and doing more research. I guess people can research or check out more of the property while we still have a lot of daylight left." Alyssa then turned to Max, "Max,I'm leaving you in charge of the food. If anyone has any preferences for food, talk to Max. Also, I personally can't cook but anyone else who wants to feel free, there is another kitchen by the way on the bottom floor, if we need it. I guess also this will give time for people to get used to the house and property. I want everyone to feel as comfortable as possible here.”

Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder before he nodded at her and replied, "Okay." Ekaterina elegantly smiled as she checked on her small rodents and bugs monitoring the outside of the mansion grounds.

Dahlia looked to Ekaterina. “Would you like to help me unpack, Kat?”

Unpacking, Alyssa forgot completely about doing that. "Dahlia, I'll be in here whenever you're ready." She'll have to go unpack herself and find what she needed. "But for now, unpacking sounds like something I should do myself. If there's nothing else to cover feel free to go about your day.”

Ekaterina elegantly smiled at Dahlia as she replied, "Oh course Dahlia." Then she got up to follow Dahlia as Agent Powers went to clean up in the kitchen.

In the chip Peter asked: "How can I help you Alyssa?”

Alyssa replied into the chip, "Follow me to my room.”

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