Vampires and Werewolves

JP with mdman, Redsword, Jaxx, Trustno1 and Cindy

Alyssa wanted to ask follow up questions about Choi's night but with the other's arriving decided to hold off until later. She spotted Jaxx and Ekaterina arriving and that left Sung and Dahlia to come into the living room.

Dahlia entered with Sung in tow. She hadn’t had a soufflé quite like that in a while. Dahlia sat in a chair, Sung stood.

"Well, it looks like we're all here. Basically, I want to fill you all in on some messages I received. I'm suspending the rules of order, unless their needed again, because I just feels my info takes precedent. " Alyssa the continued. "I don't think the Vampires are out main concern. First of all when Peter and I were out last night the Prince of Chicago paid for our meal, he knew we were there and did nothing to harm us, even when he could have. Second, I recieved a note this morning, which stated that the Prince of Chicago, Olaf Lodin, he has invited the team to meet with him at his office at the Sears Tower, in two evenings, at 9 PM." She pulled out a note and her phone. "I knew about the bombs because I received a text, warning me. It was only signed "a friend" but I had similar texts sent to me on the last mission. Now, for the real threats. I received a text this morning" She read from her phone. "Our patience has been tested for too long By the tower by our so-called allies in the movement. Most of them are nothing but traitor's the Kindred need look no further then the newly anointed Prince Of Indianapolis the witty "Hackmaster9000" She argued so much for our cause, and yet look at what she does just a few months before a grand conclave here in the United States and a meeting of the inner circle in Venice. More betrayal. The tower must fall. We own the night and the day." Alyssa added. "The message was signed 'The Phoenix Society.' She then opened the note she had received. "Though you are good at your craft Wilson , we do not appreciate things like continued industrialization that ruined this once beautiful forest of Gaia. This one was signed The True Earth Liberation Front- Garou.”

The hacker paused, then added. "And one more thing the Nosfartu's computer network is called SchrekNet 2.0. The message from the Phoenix Society came from a web page called Schreknet. I can say no decent hacker would name their page after the network or server they are using.”

Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder before he pulled out his phone and tapped on it then he looked up as he said, "Garou seems to be another word for werewolves. I'll have my father send some silver bullets."

Ekaterina looked at Agent Powers and asked him for some nine mm rounds for her guns.

“So,” Choi responded, “I guess we need to research how to fight a werewolf. I take it isn’t as easy as a silver bullet.”

"Max, good idea." To Yeong, she said, "Yes, whomever would like to research that feel free and let us know what you find. A few things, for the time being, it's probably safer if no one goes off the premises by themselves and don't go wandering around at night, the property is pretty secure, and I'll be working on upping the system to make it even more secure but there's 25 acres here and a lot can happen within all that space. Right around the outside of the house, including the nearby gardens and the gazebo have cameras, also there are screens connected to all the cameras throughout the house. Near the tvs should be remotes which can flip their image to the different locations. Feel free, of course, to utilize those, as necessary.”

Dahlia asked, “If you are bitten by a werewolf, is it true you become one?”

"Rumor has it," Alyssa responded. "A lot of that is conjecture but some is real. I can get on the dark web and see if I can find anything.”

“I’m thinking the same things that killed a vampire would be used to kill a werewolf,” Choi suggested.

Agent Powers texted his father for some silver ammunition for killing werewolves and his father replied that he will send the silver ammunition and that fire type ammunition will work as well. Agent Powers wondered if his father knew more about the werewolves but didn't say anymore. He then said, "My father is sending silver bullets and said we can also use fire type ammunition like the white phosphorus rounds I already have."

Ekaterina elegantly smiled as she replied, "I see, then I will keep your mini shotgun close by."

Agent Powers gave Ekaterina a smolder then nodded in silence.

"Well, I think fire will kill most things, probably decapitation. Anything else I'd really like to verify." Alyssa then added. "However, Max's father has been in this line of work for a long time, from what I know, I would take his word with the silver bullets.”

“Well,” Choi commented, “Master Sung and I will take care of the heads.”

Dahlia added, “I can add fire. Most likely, if we don’t burn the bodies, they will regenerate.”

"As far as I know werewolves aren't undead, what makes you say they would regenerate?" Alyssa was curious about that. She had heard zombies could but not werewolves.

“What seems to be the main difference between the Anarchs And the Camarilla? The Phoenix Society, Does not seem to have any issues with killing vampires from either side even though they say they align themselves with the Anarch movement The werewolf action seems to have different motives all together. They seem to think of themselves as environmental warriors.” said Sartre

"That sounds accurate, from what we know. I think the Prince will probably know more than we do, about the werewolves. How much of that information he's willing to share though is debatable." Alyssa commented.

“They’re also immune to vampires,” Choi spoke. “At least that is what I’ve read in lore.”

“It’s the curse upon them,” Dahlia suggested, “controlled by the moon. That’s why I believe they do regenerate when moon beams meet their bones.”

“Curse?” Dahlia stated in a surprised voice. “A far as we know, vampires settle in an area. Werewolves are wanderers. Could it be that the werewolves are the children of Cain?”

Sung just sat in the back listening to everyone talk eating a bagel and sipping tea. He thought these kids really are amazing. But should he warn them not to get involved in a passable war? Maybe they will find out on their own.

Funny thing Sung has dealt with undead a lot but never werewolves or vampires. He knew that Dragon's wrath could kill them mostly. That sword was one of a kind. An ancient sword some say might have been forged by dragons but no one believed that either.

Sung spoke up not that he wanted to. but he did not want to see them walk into their death possibly either. "If there is a war between them do you want to get in valved? Them killing one other is not our problem," added Sung thinking. "Or did I miss something in this conversation?" questioned Sung.

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