Dinner and Dessert

JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

"What's your favorite book? I used to read Goosebumps as a kid.” Peter said.

"You mean what I said at 6? Pretty much, at that time, it was a lot of reading and watching stuff about the different ones, anything I could. I was already learning computer languages by that point. So, I wanted the best. Of course, it got more advanced the older I got." Alyssa replied. "Books, oh I was a fan of the classics. As a child I liked anything with siblings, especially Little Women. A little older and my favorite became The Lord of The Rings series. Then I discovered reading works in their original languages: Checkov in Russian, Don Quixote in Spanish, and that was an amazing experience." She paused. "Though I've not had any time to do much reading since I started working.”

Have you read The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky? You are well read, that makes you not only hot but sizzling." He said

"Yes, though I have to admit, I didn't read that until my Russian Lit class in college." Alyssa responded.

"What is your favorite book?"

A few seconds later, the Wine Steward returned with a special bottle of "Sanguine Wine." "I was told that your bill was to be covered by Mr. Olaf Lodin." The Wine Steward said.

The Wine Steward set the wine on the table next to Alyssa.

"Should we get dessert?” Asked Sartre. “Where would you like to go dance, Ms. Wilson?"

Alyssa raised a brow, then after the Wine Steward left commented, "I guess that's Mr. Lodin's way of letting us know, he knows we're here and who we are?" She had said no business talk but that couldn't have been left hanging in the air. The waitress came back shortly with their meals. Alyssa took a bite of her sausage, it was delicious. "I don't know that I've found a new favorite book, perhaps one I've not read yet. Dessert and maybe some cappuccino would be wonderful after dinner. I've not looked up dance places." She pulled out her phone. "Bodega Nightclub looks fun.”

"Alyssa.... A nightclub?" As he finished his sandwich, he looked astounded. “I've seen quite a bit in the secret world. Can we share dessert?" he smiled.

"Where would you like to go dancing then?" Alyssa asked, after all he had given her no indication of a preference. "I'm open to suggestions." She smiled at him. "We can share dessert but you choose it.”

"Ohh I want to see you in a nightclub.” Peter commented, then chose dessert. “Chocolate cake with ice cream.”

"That sounds delicious," Alyssa commented, then continued eating her food.

"What has gotten into you? Hmm. It's almost as if there is a wild side to you? Not that I mind. Let's take dessert to the van and share it on the way." Peter said, “"Can you really do something to tie me over until December tonight?” He thought this wasn't like her. "Did you touch that knife? I wonder how those three are doing.”

"I'm pretty sure I explained it," Alyssa wasn't sure what other explanation he wanted. "Trying to eat cake with ice cream in the van will be too messy, I think we should eat it here. We'll see." That was all the hacker would say about holding him over until December. "Of course, I touched the knife, it was handed to me. They're fine, or as fine as they can be. I get the feeling I'd know if something happened to one of them, for the time being anyway." She finished her food.

"So you say with that knife that you feel some sort of connection? You just seem to have ......... he paused, "Gained a lot of confidence. What happened?”

"I do, I'm connected with Prue. She sometimes appears when I'm sleeping." Alyssa explained. "I don't know what happened.”

“It's better to have her appear when you're sleeping than those other things.” Peter said, "May we hold hands my hacker?”

"True, but I can't seem to control any of it." Alyssa as the waitress took their plates from their now finished dinner, and took their dessert order, then left again. "Yes, we can." She took his hand on hers.

"What do you think caused you to have all this confidence, all of a sudden?" I hope your dad won't mind our relationship.” He looked to her face to gauge her mood.

"Like I said, I don't know. If I figure it out I'll let you know." Alyssa was beginning to feel like she was getting the third degree and wanted to end this line of questioning. "I don't know what my Dad will think. I doubt I'll talk to him anytime soon." Peter had this way of getting her more frustrated and annoyed than, almost, anyone at times. "Maybe, we should skip the nightclub and just go back to the hotel.”

"No need to skip dancing. Earlier when you said you didn't know, I thought you meant your connection with Prue. There's a reason I like to hear you talk, my hacker." He firmly squeezed her hand.

The waitress came back with their dessert and the cappuccino that Alyssa had ordered. Alyssa eyed the dessert, "That does look really good.“

"Sweet like you Alyssa." He dug his spoon in offering her the first bite.

She ate the dessert off the spoon, getting just a little of the ice cream and chocolate cake on her lips, which she licked off. Then took a sip of her cappuccino.

"Is it good?" He asked before taking a bite.

"It's delicious," Alyssa smiled at him.

Peter was happy to see her enjoy her cake and ice cream. She was in a better mood. He split the cake in half giving her the larger piece. He decided to just enjoy watching the thin hacker eat. "Calories for dancing!" he said. "I can't wait to see your moves.”

They finished dessert and then headed to Alyssa's van. She pressed the coordinates of the nightclub, and they arrived a few minutes later.

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