
JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

Alyssa thought for a moment, "An appetizer would be nice. Surprise me. I'll eat anything on the menu.” Letting him decide. She nodded to what he said about the city. What did she want to talk about? "Well, we did say we'd get to know each other better but I think you have one up on me for that." After all, Alyssa didn't have the ability to go into his mind. "So, let's talk about you for a bit, then you can ask me something. Have you traveled a lot, and to any place you really enjoyed?”

"I have been all over the secret world for twelve years. I fought Loki in Kingsmouth New England, I fought the dark Pharaoh in Egypt. I fought Dracula's sister in Transylvania. I helped clean up what remained of the filth in Tokyo. I almost caught Marquardt in South Africa. He seems to have disappeared into the Congo... Loki's girlfriend Cassie stole Excalibur, the famed sort of King Arthur. Her whereabouts are unknown.

Marquardt seems to be the source of most of the problems. He runs the Morning Light cult; they use their members as food for the dreaming ones. I swallowed a bee in the summer of 2012 after the Tokyo subway attack.

I want to go back to King's mouth sometime, there were reports that everyone there has lost their memory of what happened twelve years ago. It will be something to look into. I fear we are entering into a long night.

I feel the hacker would like an appetizer, seven cocktail shrimp with cocktail sauce. Am I right?"

Earlier in the chip I asked you to make me blush."

In the chip: "Go ahead". Peter said.

It did give Alyssa more insight into Peter as every place he mentioned was part of the secret world and therefore job related. "Haven't you been anywhere, just on vacation? I mean you sound like....well... me just with a longer list of locations." It was said only partially in jest but she really wanted to know. Into the chip, "Hmmm.... wouldn't it be better to surprise you with that," but the hacker did put her hand on his knee and whispered in his ear, "I'd really like to dance with you, close together, after dinner.”

"I haven't had much time for vacation in the past twelve years. I guess we're the same. Dance? Where exactly?" he asked. "The dance isn't the surprise?"

"Maybe, it is." Alyssa didn't say it wasn't. "And it's Chicago, I'm sure we can find somewhere to go dancing.”

The waitress came over and took their drink and appetizers order.

He ordered a soda.

"Have you ever danced before?" He took her hand on his knee. "Keep talking about yourself.”

She ordered a Coke and the shrimp cocktail because it did sound good, surprised he didn't actually order an appetizer, after mentioning it. "Not at a club, I've just taken lessons. Ballet and Ballroom. My nanny insisted." Alyssa responded

"Nice," he said. "How were you able to come out of your shell with me so quickly?”

"I don't know. You did either save me or help save me on more than one occasion." Alyssa shrugged. "And I guess it's nice that your willing to take this crazy leap and want to date someone like me.”

"What do you mean someone like you?" he asked.

"Someone who's being chased by something evil. Someone who's bee is messed up. Someone who comes with baggage." Alyssa stopped talking when the waitress brought their drinks and the shrimp cocktail. When the waitress left the hacker started talking again. "A lot of men would probably run in the other direction.”

"Yet I run toward you." Peter said. "You'll get sweaty dancing. That means another shower. Holding off until December is tough. Can you do enough tonight to tie me over until then?" He placed his hand on her leg.

She picked up a shrimp, dipped it in some cocktail sauce and slowly ate it. "Don't know, maybe." Alyssa responded with a grin. "Would you like some of this shrimp cocktail?”

"Yes.” Peter responded. "Can you eat half a shrimp?" in the chip: "And share it with me?”

"How about this," Alyssa took another shrimp, dipped it in the sauce and took a bite, then held it for Peter to take a bite.

He smiled and finished the shrimp. Enjoying sharing the food with her. “What would the hungry hacker like for an entrée?” He smirked. “Just watching you snack makes you hot Alyssa? Has anyone ever told you you're hot before besides me?" Peter then added"I love spending time with you."

"I'm sticking with trying the Mici." They finished the appetizer and the waitress returned, to take their dinner orders and take care of the appetizer plates, once she was gone, Alyssa responded to Peter's question. "No. Cute yes but no one, but you, has ever said that I'm hot." Alyssa smiled slightly. "I enjoy spending time with you as well.”

He stuck with his order as well, ordering the filet burger. "Can we hold hands until our food gets here? Tonight will be a relaxing night. No work. I can't wait to dance with you. You mean alot to me Alyssa. “

"Of course," Alyssa responded, reaching out for his hand. "I'm looking forward to it, we can just have fun tonight. There are probably people that don't think I even know how to have fun.”

"Tonight will be fun. It was already fun spinning you. I get to dance with you. " He said as there entrées arrived. After the waiter left, he asked "Can I?" as he reached to put his hand on her leg,

"Yes, you can." Alyssa said. His hand on her leg was alright. "How is it, we start talking about you but always end up talking about me? I want to know more about you. What did you do for fun, as a kid?”

"I liked to read and play the original PlayStation." He started on his burger. "You are much more interesting. What did you do with processors?”

< Prev : To Chicago Next > : Dinner and Dessert