
JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

The drive led them to the center of Chicago, bustling with late night patrons of various places, then to a parking lot. They stepped out and Alyssa led Peter to what looked like a small convenience store, they and a few others walked towards the back, through the cold storage to another door. The door opened and they entered what almost seemed like another world.

In the heart of Chicago's nightlife scene, the Bodega Nightclub stood as a pulsating beacon of urban allure. As they stepped inside, they were greeted by an atmosphere that effortlessly blended retro glamor with cutting-edge modernity. The dimly lit space is awash in neon hues, casting an electric glow over the sleek, minimalist furnishings. A state-of-the-art sound system thrums with a carefully curated mix of electronic beats and hip-hop rhythms, making it impossible to resist the pull of the dance floor.

The crowd here was a diverse blend of trendsetters and locals, all drawn together by the club's infectious energy and its reputation for hosting some of the city's most sought-after DJs. In one corner, a well-stocked bar serves up expertly crafted cocktails, while in another, a lounge area offers a more subdued space for conversation and relaxation.

Amidst the swirling lights and the pounding bass, the Bodega Nightclub exuded an almost magnetic charm, capturing the essence of Chicago's vibrant nightlife and offering an unforgettable experience for those who dare to enter its electrifying atmosphere.

"I don't drink. Lets see your dance moves, my hacker." said Sartre.

She grinned, took his hand and led him to the dance floor, Alyssa's hands stayed in his as she moved to the music.

"Speed up Alyssa!" he moved his hands to her hips. In the headset he said "Kiss?"”

Alyssa's hips began to sway as his hands reached her. She began to move not just faster but closer to him. Her hands barely reached his shoulders, but when he asked for a kiss, she replied into the chip. "Yes.”

"You kiss. In a naughty way.” He moved rhythmically with her.

She put her hands behind his head, just enough to let him to lean down a bit, and kissed him a deep kiss.

"Tonight is your night. What next Alyssa." As he felt her sweat dripping, he said a serious "I love you, Alyssa.”

Those words, those three words normally would have sent shock waves through the hacker, she probably would run in the other direction, if it was anyone else but what happened next surprised even Alyssa, "I love you, too." Into the chip, she said. "I never said we had to wait until December. You assumed that's what I meant. It wasn't. I just wanted everything to be right, with the right person. A nice hotel room here in Chicago would make this night even more perfect and you're definitely the right person.”

He simply said "Book the room.” But then added, "Are you sure Alyssa? You have never done this before. We'll discuss when we get to the room. Not very prudent.” His eyes gave her that look.

"I'm sure, unless you're not sure." Alyssa responded.

"I'm sure.” Peter responded. "Lets go.”

She took his hand and led him away from the dance floor, quickly booking a top floor room at one if the five star hotels nearby. "Done," they continued dancing, and left the club at about two AM.

The hotel was a few blocks away, they drove and parked the van in the parking deck. Then went to the front desk, got their key cards.

The room was a beautiful suite with all the amenities and a whirlpool tub, the lights from the skyline shown in the window. Alyssa took in the view, then closed the curtains using a remote. There was a gas fireplace, also controlled by remote which she turned on low, more for ambiance than any kind of heat and dimmed the lights, it made the mood in the room just right.

"We should shower first. I have questions. Lead the way.” Sartre said.

The haze of a new place, awoke Alyssa from her slumber the next morning until she recalled last night and a smile fell across her lips.

Peter was already awake it appeared and she had just said good morning to the man when her phone buzzed. Alyssa had remembered to text Max to let him know they'd be back in the morning, but it was around 7 AM so it could had been him, it wasn't and what she read made the hacker sit up suddenly

"Peter," Alyssa's voice was one of concern. "I just got a text. It says there's a bomb in this hotel and the hotel in Gary. They're set to go off in 30 minutes. We need to get this place evacuated. I'll call Max and text the group.”

"Grab a t-shirt and shorts. How the hell are we supposed to convince these people to evacuate?” Peter asked. "We can talk with the people at the front desk. They should be easy enough to convince."

"You're FBI, go tell the front desk or I can set off the alarms." Alyssa started getting on some clothes.

He rushed to the front desk. "Mam there is an imminent threat to this building. Someone needs to pull the fire alarm and call for general evacuation.”

She got on her phone to call Max.

As he was waiting on Alyssa, he was shocked that it seemed to work so well. All of the hotel guests were standing back in the parking lot. He would not leave the building without Alyssa. He rushed back to the room where he last saw her.

Alyssa was coming out of the room, on her cell as Peter made it back to their room.

"Let's head to the parking lot, the bomb squad should be able to handle this.” Peter commente. "Your phone woke you up, how did you know?”

"My phone didn't wake me. I woke up and got the text. It's that same person that only signs the texts, "from a friend". Alyssa explained.

In here phone: "our patience has been tested for too long By the tower by our so-called allies in the movement. Most of them are nothing but traitor's the Kindred need look no furtherThen the newly anointed Prince Of Indianapolis the witty "Hackmaster9000" She argued so much for our cause, and yet look at what she does just a few months before a grand conclave here in the United States and a meeting of the inner circle in Venice. More betrayal. The tower must fall. We own the night and the day. The message was signed "The Phoenix Society." Alyssa would notice that it came from a dark web page called "Schreknet.”

"Alyssa, let's go." Peter didn't manhandle her the previous night but now he was doing a mixture of running and dragging her to the parking lot.

She was moving as fast as she could, Alyssa didn't stop to look at her phone, instead got into van and once Peter was ready sped off. As they were in their way back to Gary, she said. "Peter, can you look at my phone and see if there's any messages from Max." She was hoping everyone got out. "The code is 1010." The woman hadn't noticed the text coming in on the way to the van.

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