To Chicago

JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

Rewind back to the meeting:

In the chip Peter asked Alyssa: "How can I make it up to you later?”

Alyssa responded back in the chip, "A nice dinner, somewhere? I'm kind of bored of being in the hotel." That response might surprise him.

He did find that surprising. "You have to be very careful in this city." See if you can look up an upscale restaurant. I'll pay for it. What are you hungry for Alyssa?" He smirked.

"I wasn't thinking this city. We have all night, let's go to Chicago and eat there." Alyssa replied.

"You want to stay the night in Chicago and drive back tomorrow morning? Chicago is run by The Camarilla.”

"We could, or just go to dinner and come back," It was only 30 minutes away, after all. Alyssa wondered how she would explain where she was to Max, if they spent the night there.

"It's up to you, Alyssa. "What is the hacker hungry for?"

"Some place with a view," she searched her phone. "How about Terrace 16 ?”

"You got it, Agent Wilson." Peter gave her that look. "You drive.”

She smiled at him. "You got it. I need to take care of a few things first, I'll meet you back at the room.”

There were still a few hours left of daylight in the decaying city. He carried the printer into their room. placing it on the table in the corner by the window.

"We can head into the Camarilla controlled domain after we get dressed. It will be interesting to see your choice of fashion for such a nice restaurant. Should we head back here after dinner or should we stay the night in Chicago." asked Sartre.

"Alyssa. It's tough for me to wait until December but I will. I get to see you undress twice in one day." Realizing her vulnerability earlier, he got out of his clothes first. waiting to see her reaction before switching to the red pinstripe suit, he wanted to enjoy the moment.

"Let's see how dinner goes, before we decide where to spend the night. Besides, I would need to let Max know and the poor man might have a heart attack if he can't follow his father's orders all night." Alyssa smiled, watching him get changed but he hadn't asked her, and she had other plans. She stood up, "I already have what I'm going to wear in the bathroom and I want to shower first. Besides, if I change in front of you, it'll ruin the surprise." The hacker wandered off to the bathroom, and the shower could be heard slightly after.

He wanted to wait to see the surprise before slipping his suit on.

In the chip: "Soon enough we'll be taking those together Alyssa.”

Alyssa didn't respond, though she smiled slightly at his words. She stepped out of the shower, and began to get ready. Surprisingly, the young did her hair in a sweeping down style, elegant but not over done. And she put makeup on to bring out more of her natural look, a blue dress expensive but not overdone, shoes were blue heels with just a touch of sparkle. Just because she rarely wore these things didn't mean she didn't know how to wear them, she had been taught such things. Completely put together, the hacker stepped out of the bathroom. "Surprise," Alyssa grinned at Peter.

"Looking good Hungry Hacker! You can drive. You are very pretty Alyssa." He slid on his suit.

"I should message Max first." Alyssa didn't want him worrying anymore than he probably would be. Into the chip, "Max, Peter is taking me out to dinner. He'll protect me, if there's a problem. But if it's a problem for you let me know, now before we leave.”

"Let's head to the van." He said, He reached to grab Alyssa, wanting to spin her around.

She spun gracefully, making her dress flair out. "I guess those dance lessons my nanny made me take, as a kid, did serve some purpose, after all." The young woman commented.

With her in his arms, he said "I really like you." before setting her down. In the chip "Let's head to the van. Err Alyssa. May I grab your butt sometime tonight?" He blushed.

"Okay, I'm ready," Alyssa headed towards the door. In the chip, she said to Peter. "You might get to touch it, maybe." When they arrived at the van she opened the doors, got in and put the address in the GPS. Once Peter was in, and ready they headed out.

“Might get to touch it huh? Are you turning into a black hat hacker Alyssa?” He was surprised she was coming out of her shell so quickly. "What happenned to you over a few months?" He smirked.

The roads were slick with rain as the headlights being towards the city of Chicago illuminating it in an orange glow. Sartre decided to take a risk by playing with the radio.

Voices in conversation could be heard on the station.
"That's an old request."
"It's a good one. Everyone feels purple every now and then."
"All right; I guess I'll do it for you. Prince's 7.
There was a pause.
The DJ spoke up again.
"Would you like to dedicate it to anybody, mysterious caller?"

The voice on the other end of the line said.
"I want to dedicate it to everyone in the movement."
He hung up.
The song began to play.

“The things I want to say to you in this chip Agent Wilson. It’s hard waiting until December.” Peter said.

"A black hat, no." Alyssa said. "It's just almost being sucked into another dimension or hell of some sort by an evil being that won't stop coming after me, that makes one either hide away or want to truly live, I've done a lot of the first in my life, maybe it's time to do at least a little of the latter." She paused, as the song played on the radio, and sighed. "Something to tell the group tomorrow but it would be nice to have at least part of a night without work showing up." Alyssa commented. To his words in the chip, she spoke quietly. "I know, and I appreciate the wait.”

"The wait is worth it. I'll have their Filet Burger With seasoned truffle fries. What is the hacker hungry for? You look stunning in your dress by the way." he said.

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself," Alyssa quipped. "I was thinking of trying the Mici." She pulled into the parking deck, the restaurant had valet parking but she didn't dare.

They went to the elevator, and after pressing the button for the top floor, Alyssa commented. "I put the reservation under your name."

The restaurant was on the rooftop of a exclusive hotel, it was elegant and very romantic, with am amazing view of the skyline. Fortunately, it had an enclosed area with a lot of windows, which offered the same view. They were shown their table and Alyssa sat down. "The view is amazing." She said.

"It is, you can see the entire city from up here. Would the hacker like an appetizer?" Pete4 remarked.

The city down below was a place of political intrigue. The Camarilla ran the city's night and underground. The city's Prince Lodin had left the coded message to the Prince of Gary in the file.

"The city is more vibrant than Gary, though we can still see a little bit of the decay and overcast, statues of gargoyles still adorn several of the buildings. Let's have a relaxing dinner and evening. No talk about work, what do you want to talk about Alyssa? I'm here to listen all night." he said.

< Prev : Double Surprise! Next > : Appetizers