Double Surprise!

Choi awoke the next morning with Dahlia’s warm body lying in his arm, her head resting upon his chest. She had felt him stir beneath her and turned her head to gaze up at him.

She grinned. “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” She asked.

His hand gently brushed Dahlia’s back as he replied, “To be truthful, I have never experienced anything so exhilarating! How do you think our factions will react?”

She snuggled in his embrace. “Good question,” Dahlia replied to Yeong. “It’s best we don’t tell them.”

“Well then,” Choi chuckled, “I best sneak into my own room and get ready for the day.”

She looked up at Choi and grinned. Dahlia shook her head, “Not just yet, big boy!” She kissed Choi passionately, causing Choi to vividly remember the night before and yearn for more.

Forty minutes later, Choi ran fingers through her hair. “I really do need to prepare for the day. I’m sure they’ll want another meeting. I’ll see you at 8:30 for breakfast downstairs?”

She giggled. “Be quiet; don’t let the others know.”

Choi shook his head. “I’ll definitely try my best,” he said, getting out of bed and quickly throwing on his clothes. Sneaking back to his room, he felt like the married man sneaking back home after the bar closed down.

As Choi was heading to his room he heard a door open up and Princess Ekaterina wearing a bathrobe with her hair a bit dissolved came out and saw him. She didn't say anything and turned a bit red in the face as she quietly made her way to her room.

When he had heard the door open, Choi cringed, knowing it was from the direction of Power’s room. He was surprised when he turned to see Princess Ekaterina in a bathrobe, sneaking from Power’s room to hers. Choi silently stood there, his brow raised as the Princess quietly entered her own room.

He hurried into his room. So, Powers and the Princess has hit it off, eh? The only problem was, Choi couldn’t say anything to tease Max, as the Princess would talk about he and Dahlia.

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