Leading Up To Dinner

Dahlia got into some comfortable clothing. She pulled out the book The House of Light to take in some study time. Dahlia had experienced a presence somewhere in the heavens when meditating upon this book in the bar in the theater’s basement. She had a few hours before Choi would arrive for dinner.

Choi, on the other hand, became more physical. He began a taekwondo routine, wishing he had a partner to spar and stay sharp. He concentrated upon his breathing and fluid movements.

Choi finished his routine and meditating. He meditated upon remaining in a developing friendship with Dahlia. Yes, he found her attractive, but would it be in their best interest to get into an intimate relationship.

Getting a shower, he dressed casually in a pullover shirt and a pair of neat jeans. He wore a chain with a dragon about his neck. The dragon’s eyes were emeralds. He wore a pair of brown slip on shoes. He then went to Dahlia’s door and knocked.

Dahlia had done some research on the book The House of Lights. She was feeling more and more like the path the book spoke of was to the Secret World. There was a presence awaiting there. The question was, where was this pathway?

She finished up, then showered, preparing for the dinner date with Choi. She wondered where the night would lead to. Leaving nothing to chance, Dahlia put on a form fitting outfit, showing toned midriff. When she answered the door, Choi was floored by her appearance, his jaw nearly dropping to the floor.

“What do you have planned tonight?” she asked coyly.

“W-w-well,” Choi stuttered. He was usually so confident and proud. She gave him doubts that he should be in the same space as she. “I thought I’d take you to a steak place. I checked, they do have kosher selections.”

“Thank you for being conscious of my dietary needs,” she honestly returned to him.

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