The Rest of the Night

In Choi’s Veloster, he admitted, “You looked very nice tonight.”

Dahlia chuckled. “Thanks, but your reaction already told me that.” She looked him over. “You look handsome yourself.”

“Thank you,” Choi replied.

“You really don’t have many girls at the monastery,” she stated, “do you?”

“What told you that?” Choi asked. “Me nearly tripping over my lower jaw?” He chuckled, then confirmed, “only a few, but they’re old and serve the monks. Laundry, cooking, and such.”

He held the door open for her as she slowly slid into the passenger seat. Quickly, Choi got into the driver’s seat and headed to the restaurant.

There, they shared a bottle of kosher red wine, a meal of filet mignon, complete with salad and asparagus. Over dinner they discussed much.

Dahlia told Choi of her thoughts on The House of Lights. Not just her thoughts of the pathway, but also her findings on studying the lights in the book. The light formations formed the constellations and other stars. She truly believe the presence she felt was in the Secret World, and that the pathway was a way to the Secret World.

He told her of his routine, then admitted that he was impressed with her research abilities. He saw that not only with the book but also in the meeting.

She told him that she was equally impressed that Choi was able to pull from the source of creation within him without knowing the Kabbalah. Choi explained that the power within him comes from dahnmudo, a Korean self-discipline.

Dinner was long, they finished the bottle of wine. Then Choi took her dancing. It was a wonderful night.

Back at the hotel, Choi escorted Dahlia to her room. He had only wanted this to begin as a friendship but she was so amazing. Beautiful too.

“Tonight was wonderful,” Dahlia seriously expressed. Choi had been the perfect gentleman. She truly enjoyed herself.

“Yes,” Choi admitted, “it was.” He leaned in and gave her a kiss, she returned it and the kiss deepened. He was momentarily breathless, his forehead upon hers. Trying to remember the word from the other night, he queried, “Netsa?”

She giggled, as she opened the door. “Netzach,” she corrected, as she pulled Choi inside, her hands glowing a cool blue. Lasting Endurance.

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