Until Tomorrow

JP with mdman, Jaxx, Trustno1, Redsword and Cindy

Choi responded to the question. “The only thing I have that will defend us from this creature is my gao.”

Sung chimed in "Thank you all for listening to this old man. they will dictate how this will go. We can go armed and then get instructions as we go. As I said before they do have a rank structure. like a Lieutenant, Primogen, top is the Prince I think. So I would think we would meet a Lieutenant, then a Primogen then the Prince. But again I am not sure. As long as you can focus magic through something You can hurt them, I think," added Sung.

“I have the force of the Kabbalah,” Dahlia affirmed to the others, “but others are more the fighter type. What would they be able to do? Maybe we should just send in those with abilities where no weapons are needed.”

Alyssa spoke up, "We should focus on one thing at a time. Let us settle the matter of weapons first, then decide on the channels we will have to go through before speaking to the Prince. So, about the weapons, is there any more discussion?”

“Through dahnmudo,” Choi expressed, “I can create a force of energy from within me against someone or something. But it doesn’t help much with vampires if there is not a stake to push them into.”

Dahlia looked at Choi. From within himself, Choi was able to create a force. It amazed her that he was able to enact the creative source within him without studying the Kabbalah. Of course, through the Kabbalah, there was so much more that Dahlia could do.

Agent Powers quietly ate his sandwich as he listened to the others. He thought it was cool that they could use cool powers. Granted he did like his powers but it sounded boring that he just hit stuff really hard.

Ekaterina elegantly looked at the quiet Agent Powers and asked, “So Mr. Powers, what amazing skills will you use against the vampires if they attack us?”

Agent Powers swallowed his food and gave Ekaterina a smolder before he replied, “Well I guess I can just hit them really hard.”

Ekaterina smiled at him and replied, “I bet you wit.”

"What kind of weapons would you suggest Alyssa?” Peter asked.

"I'm not going into talk to the vampires. But if your asking my opinion, I don't think we'll be allowed weapons so what weapon doesn't matter. I agree with the others it's more what everyone can bring while weaponless." Alyssa wasn't sure why Peter had asked, she was adamant about not going in.

Choi would miss the gao. He knew he could decapitate a vampire with it. He did so with Sung’s on the last mission. He felt more comfortable with the blade.

Choi looked at Powers. “One the last mission, you absorbed and spit out bullets. Do you believe you could carry your phosphorus bullets and put them in your mouth, shooting them in that manner?”

"I was just curious what weapons you would suggest, That we purchase. I'm not saying that you have to go in, But I forgot to let you know before we formed this team that there are ways we can go about procuring weapons as well as other items. Some will require a person to work in the field and be a specialist. Currently unless you have one of the best laptops in the world, but there are ones that are better that you might be able to get in the future. You also might be able to upgrade your van in the future or get a better one. There is currency that can be spent in the secret world. It is possible to purchase these items for cash sometimes, But that will leave a paper trail. And that's something we would not want unless it was absolutely necessary, or if you think you were good enough at covering it up. Does anybody have anything they want to put on the shopping list? asked Sartre. He glanced towards the hacker.

"I think that's great but off topic. We should talk about that list later, and finish the discussion about meeting the vampires first." Alyssa commented. She certainly wasn't a weapons person so, for her, what she wanted would take research.

Agent Powers gave Choi a smolder and he smirked and shook his head no. He replied, "I can carry a lot of stuff hidden on me but I can't shoot bullets from my mouth, but it would be cool if I could." Then he looked at Sartre and replied, "I get my gear through my father so I am good.”

"Well at least we know we are going in tomorrow morning correct? Alyssa can conduct surveillance in the van and keep connection with us. Is there anything else we need to decide upon? Alyssa, I really want you to look into these Toreadors before we do anything. I motion we adjourn, head back to our rooms perhaps do some research and get some rest. You could also take a look around the city if you want to.” said Sartre

"We should really decide on how we're going about this before tomorrow morning. " Alyssa commented. "So, we all agree no weapons. Just a show of hands for the yes's." Once that was done. "Let everyone decide for themselves tonight if they want to be part of the meeting or back-up, let us know in the morning. Back-up can stay with me in the van." Alyssa then said, one more thing. "It has already been discussed we won't, likely be able to meet with the Prince before going through channels. I still think I can get a meeting with the Nosfartu Primogen, or do we want to go through a different channel? Anyone have anything to discuss in that matter?" She wasn't going to leave things just hanging and have them not know what they're doing tomorrow.

"See if we can meet with the Primogen." said Sartre. "I'll be in the team going in." he continued.

Choi grinned. He was ready for action. Dahlia sat back, knowing she would be going inside with those investigating.

“Are we done today, then?” Choi asked.

"Almost, to answer Peter's questions. Toreadors are known for being beautiful and seductive. The legends of the vampire seducing its prey, supposedly comes from them. They are very into the arts and all things of beauty. There's a note here that they can be obsessed with an individual object or person of beauty. " She paused, "The Nosfartu on the other hand are the information and knowledge gathers. They prefer to work in the shadows. It says here they are quite disfigured, in their true form, but many possess an ability to mask that. " She paused again. "So, you have that information. I will contact the Nosfartu tonight and let everyone know about the meeting in the morning. My guess is we will have to meet with them in the evening. But unless anyone has anything else, I do believe the meeting can be over.”

Agent Powers finished off his last sandwich and drank his flavored water to wash it down. Then he asked, "Will you need me for anything else Alyssa?”

"No, Max, I don't think so. Thanks." Alyssa responded

“If that is all,” Choi expressed, “I will take my leave.”

Choi thought he would do some meditation and another workout before taking Dahlia to dinner.

"All right then, let's dismiss the meeting." The meeting was officially dismissed so everyone could do what they needed or wanted to.

Dahlia nodded. “Good job, Agent Wilson.”

She got up. Dahlia wanted to read some of the book they brought back last night. She got up, texted Choi, “See you at 6?”, and left the room.

Choi waited a moment before checking his phone. “Still nothing from Eun-Ji,” he said. He responded to Dahlia in the affirmative.

"Great job, Agent Wilson.” Peter exclaimed.

Agent Powers then began cleaning up the garbage, left over food and drinks as the others were taking their leave. He was planning on eating and drinking what the others didn't want while playing video games later on. He didn't say anything but he had no intentions of going unarmed into a vampire's nest. Luckily for him he could hide all his weapons and ammunition inside his slime body and pull them out anytime he needed to. Since he still had trust issues he kept that information to himself.

As he was cleaning up Princess Ekaterina got up and was about to talk to Agent Powers till her phone rang. She looked to see who was calling her and then sighed as she left the meeting room and quickly made her way to her room. She was doing her best to keep calm despite knowing the phone call was going to upset her. She thought it would be best to take the call in the privacy of her room. At times like this she hated being part of the Royal Family.

Alyssa thanked Peter, Dahlia and Choi for them acknowledging that she did a good job, she noticed Max cleaning up by himself. "Max, do you need help cleaning up?”

Agent Powers gave Alyssa a smolder and then smirked as he replied, "Nah... I'll be done soon. You have a lot of work to do on your computer so leave the other stuff to me. I'll be in my room unless you need me to anything else later on.”

Alyssa nodded, "Alright then, I'll see you later." Alyssa smiled at him, packed up her laptop, and realized there was still the printer, office supplies there. "Max, can you take care of keeping the office supplies in your room. Peter, can you bring the printer up to my room when you get a chance." She didn't want to have to explain calling it "their", room to Max at the moment.

Agent Powers nodded as he replied, "Sure thing." He then borrowed a luggage cart to load Alyssa's gear and his food and drink on the cart to roll it to his room. Once he unloaded it in his room he returned the luggage cart to the lobby and headed back to his room. Once again he was alone with a lot of snacks. So he put his bags on the bed and opened them to check his gear. He prepped his golden holy shotgun, the round barrel clips with holy fire ammo, the golden holy dessert eagle pistol with holy fire ammo, the golden holy knuckles, the holy water ampules, the golden holy knife and the white phosphorus grenades. He nodded as he figured out how to hide all his gear inside his slime body. Then he packed his gear in his suitcase and then melted his slime body and emerged out as Maxx the teenager. His door was locked now and he could relax a bit, so he charged his phone and began to play some games as he nibbled onhis snacks.

Meanwhile Princess Ekaterina was in her room having a heat discussion with members of her household. They were adamant about her agreeing with their arranged marriage partners for the honor of the family and she was constantly refusing them. They used tactics like for the sake of honor or financial stability or secure elite genes for the babies and next generation. Love was not even mentioned and Ekaterina argued that all their reasons came with perks for the others and not herself. She even told them they can marry those guys if they want their stuff so badly. Eventually she hung up on them and turned her phone ringer off to get some peace and quiet. She then sat on her bed and ran her hands through her hair as she tried to regain her composure. Then she got a wicked thought in her head and removed her clothing before putting on a luxurious white bathrobe and fixing herself up in the mirror. Then she grabbed a bottle of wine from her bag and opened it and loosely recorking it. Next she grabbed two wine glasses and left her room after locking it and making her way to Agent Power's room.

Sartre went to grab Alyssa's printer, "I'll bring it to your room.”

< Prev : Sung Arrives Next > : Leading Up To Dinner