Until The Dark

JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

"Alyssa, are you ok?" Peter's elation turned to panic. He grabbed her, gently carrying her over to the bed she had just left. Due to her size, he had to be extra careful. "Alyssa, can you hear me?" He lowered his head to her chest and her breathing. He opened her mouth, nothing obstructing her airway. He felt the carotid arteries on each side of her neck. There was still blood flowing. Was this something natural or supernatural? He tried calling to her one more time before making any decision.

He pulled the unresponsive hacker back on top of him this time for something completely different. He held her as close and as tight as he ever had. Still checking and signs of blood flow. He closed his eyes He felt himself being enshrouded in a purple mist. He wanted nothing more than for her to be okay. The mist enveloped him and he began to see. Even in this extreme state he was still worried about her safety. Before completely becoming enveloped in the visions, he gave her the most passionate kiss He had ever given anyone. He was not letting go of her. He began to see through the mist.

Her mind was shooting lights, and extreme noise, like something was attacking it. It drifted back, there were glimpses of a three year old Alyssa in an office, her parents in the background. "What do you mean gifted?" The sound of a woman, a thought of Alyssa - mother.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Alyssa is profoundly gifted."

Fast forward, six years old. "Why can't you just be normal? This is the third play date, you've embarrassed me in front of. All that talk about...." Her mother's voice was clear again.

"Processers," Alyssa responded, which was clearly the wrong thing to say.

"No more ... that is it. I am done. Maybe, your nanny can do something with you." Her mother stormed off.

Age 8 sitting alone in a high school cafeteria.

First day with the Illuminati. Sick from the bee.

Her father , first mission with him, he disappears.

The black was after her. The black caught her in her dreams

Meeting Peter, having feelings for him - terrified of those feelings.

The portal, the hellish void of torture. The book, the creatures

A black presence seemed to linger, it oozed then formed into a shadowy figure - jumping suddenly towards Peter, "You can't have her, she's mine.”

"No; I can't lose anyone else. I can have her and protect her. Are you the dreamers? Even in a state of panic, he knew he had to stay in her consciousness. "Why do you want her?" he asked. He began to prepare himself to return to the hotel room. hoping that she would be better. He waited on whatever it was to respond.

"She's mine. Untapped potential. This side of hell. It was never supposed to get her father. We are the nightmares." The black said. "She calls us the black. She knows.....can't be too close. We will take her." It slithered around Peter. "You protecting her ....is why....we will have her." Spindly, long finger-like appendages reached out, as if touching Alyssa's brain, she moaned in agony. "The only true relief is for her to surrender to us. We are the dark." It seemed to be fading, like it couldn't hold on to her. The black then collapsed back into an ooze and vanished. Inside Alyssa's mind, a small light seemed to glow with warmth.

Looking at the warmth, he said to her psyche. "You're safe, I'm never going to leave you Alyssa No matter what." He decided to take a chance and return to the hotel room. Seeing what condition she would be in. Hopefully their lips would still be together and she would still be breathing.

Alyssa was still breathing, she almost looked to be sleeping, as if the battle on her brain hadn't happened at all. It took several minutes but eventually Alyssa woke up, albeit slowly. She still felt weak, a lot had just been taken out of her.

Realizing that she would not be in the mood to do research, he simply removed his clothes quickly, and removed her shirt and shorts. There was nothing sensual at all behind it. "Are you all right Alyssa?" "Everything's okay, remember what I told you. Just close your eyes, go to a beach in December." He held her tightly and stroked her hair. Nothing was going to hurt her. He pulled the covers over them.

"I think so. You came for me." Her voice sounded more appreciative than surprised. She was still clearly weak. "Text the others, let them know we'll meet in the morning. You can tell them I'm not feeling well but not what happened. Max would probably be too hard on himself for not being here." Not that there was anything he could have done. She didn't fight Peter on anything, at this point there was little fight left. "I guess my reprieve is over." The hacker closed her eyes, it didn't take long for her to fall asleep in his arms

Reprieve? He thought. The dreams were back. He texted the others and fell asleep.

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