A Relatively Normal Night

JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

Alyssa got out of the shower, and peeked out the door of the bathroom. Peter was already back. Her phone buzzed as she reshut the door. She quickly wrapped a towel around her and peeked back out the bathroom door. "Peter, the foods almost here. Can you take care of getting it from the delivery person? It's paid for, and they've been tipped." She closed the bathroom door again.

He stepped outside and paid the delivery person in actual currency, the dollars could be redeemed for pax gold. He figured that the delivery driver could use a little extra money that actually had value. He wondered if The driver also had knowledge of the secret world. He brought the pizzas back into the room and set them on the table. The pizza smelled excellently crafted. He said on the bed and waited for Alyssa to step out of the bathroom. He was hoping she had increased her speed just a little bit. He wanted to spend more time with her before the others got there. If anything he could hold her hand some more, but he wanted her to increase her speed just a little bit. Remembering that she said she would think about it.

Alyssa stepped out of the bathroom wearing a towel, her black bra straps peeking out, over her shoulders. "That smells really good." She paused, "I'll get changed in front of you but fully naked is not happening, so don't ask." She just decided him seeing her in her underwear was no different than if she wore a bikini, not that Alyssa really wore bikinis, ever but it wasn't awful to give him that.

"You're going at just the right speed Alyssa. This is all new to you. Get over here as close as you feel comfortable before dropping the towel." In the towel, he could even see how little she was. Peter could see her nervousness amongst her alluring pallor.
"You were right, we haven't even kissed yet or been on a date. Have you kissed before? We can do that now or save it until December. I'm going to make you more comfortable with things as much as I can. I like being with you Alyssa. Your intelligence, as well as your palness is a charm. It's wrong that nobody ever asked to be with you. I care a lot about you Alyssa."

Waiting for her to drop the towel, He said in the chip: "The pizza will be delicious, but not as delicious as you." He smirked, trying to give her more experience."Now you try."
He would continue."Face your laptop when you drop the towel.”

"No, I've never been kissed before." Alyssa shook her head. One hand kept the towel closed, as she put her clothes on the end of the bed closest to the computer. She had him stay by the other bed. As for the kiss, she didn’t respond to when it should happen, instead stayed by the bed and said. "I think here is good." On his direction the hacker turned to face the computer. Alyssa dropped the towel revealing the black bra and underwear with a slight bit of lace on it.

"I don't need to use my profiling and abilities to know that Even though you're nervous You're enjoying this, this makes you feel pretty. Does it not? You certainly are.I wouldn't have thought you were a lace type of girl. Bend over when you put your shorts on. Then face me when you put your t-shirt on. Then we can put the brakes on and have pizza. Talk nerdy to me Alyssa. " He smiled and said as he looked at her derriere wondering if it was paler than the rest of the hacker.

This time Alyssa was facing away from him, thankfully, when she felt the blush rise to her cheeks when Peter said she was pretty. She said nothing, the hacker did however bend over to put on her shorts. By the time Alyssa turned to face him, the rose color to her fair cheeks had faded. A black t-shirt with a small circle on the right shoulder which said, "Legends of Rock" on the back had a list of very famous rock bands in the formation of a guitar was slipped over her head. "How was that?" The young woman asked, as she sat down at the end of the bed.

"That was astounding. The first thing I wanted to see will be the first thing I touch. Err the first thing you let me touch. You seem to be more in for a relaxing evening rather than work. That's a different side of you Alyssa. Sit down on the bed with me and we can eat pizza and hold hands. I want to hear what you have to say." he said.

The hacker couldn't help but smile at the agent's words. Looking though the boxes, the deep dish pepperoni was brought over to the bed, along with some napkins. She took a piece, "Its kind of hard to eat pizza and hold hands. Let's save it for after we eat." Alyssa took a bite. "Work? Oh, later when the others are here, the ones that didn't go to a bar, at least. That theater and all the elements that seem to come with it are nothing but frustrating, there's so little information on them. I thought others could look over the information with me. Maybe, come up with an angle I've not thought of.”

"One of those employees said that either the guy with the military haircut or the other guy mentioned a "modius ponnens." He got the name wrong, or did he? What if he said that on purpose?" he grabbed a slice a pizza and a soda. Alyssa talk about anything you want. I like seeing you relaxed.”

"Okay, then, can we discuss something other than work for a while? I work a lot but I wouldn't say it's necessarily relaxing." Alyssa said. "I want to know more about you. What kind of foods do you like? Like what's your favorite?”

"I like cheeseburgers, soda, Specifically ginger ale. I also like Blackjack. What's your favorite food?" This Was the most relaxed he had ever seen Alyssa. "What are some of your favorite bands, you like to wear rock t-shirts." he grabbed one more piece of pizza. He handed it to Alyssa noticing that she was half finished with hers. Hand me that other one will you. that will be enough until you are ready to learn how to kiss. Earlier, you smiled when I said something racy. That was unexpected, it's almost as if you knew what I meant. You are one interesting hacker.“

"Alyssa; if you thought I was going to fast. What would you say the speed is with Prue Haliwell? I wonder how she and her sisters are. I think she thought she was helping. Maybe she was. I heard her hell back at you, "So you are in a relationship!" He smiled. As he finished his pizza and drink he threw away the trash and returned to the bed laying down glancing Alyssa's half finished piece. He waited to see what she would do. "I'm looking forward to holding hands and talking. Something tells me you enjoy that Alyssa. Someone should have told you how smart and beautiful you are.”

"NY style, what have you got," Alyssa grinned. "No really my favorite foods are pizza, as you might have guessed and hot dogs, not just any hot dogs but street vendor hotdogs, especially with chili, cheese and onions on them. I used to drive my mother nuts, she wanted me to eat all this sophisticated food, I wanted chili dogs." A psychologist might think there was something to that. Fortunately, there wasn't one in the room. "Favorite soda, Coke but nothing beats a really good Egg Cream on a hot day. And NY style Cheesecake." She replied. "Well, some of my favorites are Guns and Roses, the Ramones, Heart, Vampire Weekend. I kind of just listen to whatever I'm in the mood for, at the time." Alyssa paused. "I took it as a compliment and you said, you wanted to not to let you, you didn't assume anything."

She ate more of her slice, he handed her another. "Thanks but this like eating a small meal in one serving, I don't think I can eat another slice, right now." It did live up to its name of being deep dish, and was the most filling pizza Alyssa had ever encouraged. "Prue is at a constant speed of, at least, 70. Or it's the impression I got anyway." It wasn't a bad thing, it just wasn't the hacker's speed. "Yeah, she did say that." It was if Prue knew. The petite woman watched Peter as he laid back down on the bed and nodded, "I do like that." There was a moment, between them but if asked later Alyssa couldn't possibly have said what on earth possessed her, at that particular to do what she did. Leaning over to grab her Coke, a slip of an elbow, and suddenly the two were very close. Not moving, she just let her eyes meet his. Then without over thinking it, for once in her life, Alyssa let her lips touch his. The kiss was gentle, not over long but with clear emotion behind it. She backup slightly, "I take that back, I guess I was ready for my first kiss.”

"That was unexpected, and you did it on your own. Something's going on with you Alyssa. May I kiss you back?” Peter asked.

Alyssa definitely would agree there was something going on with her, she didn't have words to describe it either, which kind of annoyed her. Still, a smile crossed her lips and she quietly responded, "Yes,"

Leaving her on top, the position he actually preferred, he kissed her back while giving her a sense of the way The Illuminati did things. He pulled her in close, When their lips connected, he made sure to stay longer. He bit her bottom lip. He made sure to intake a little of her saliva.
"There's something going on with you Alyssa."
He thought, "Could it have something to do with Prue?” Peter then added, "Obviously, I'm not sleeping in the other bed tonight. What is going on with you?" He smiled with elation.

He might be able to figure out what it was using his profiling abilities, but he was not going to do that at this moment.

"Now I'm going to have to ask you to slow down." He smiled again. "Though; you won't be wearing any night clothes. The bra and underwear you can keep on. Everything else can wait until you are ready, or until a beach in December."

His mind was full of Illuminati thoughts.
He could start asking Illuminati questions.
He was going to wait either until a beach in December or until she said she was ready.
He looked into her eyes and Almost thought about asking about the knife and Prue Halliwell. He was pretty sure she was having the same thoughts.

Alyssa didn't understand why she liked the control, he seemed to suddenly take. She didn’t understand what was going on, but even when he bit her lip she didn't resist. 'What the hell am I doing?' The hacker thought. 'Prue? Maybe, she did something to the knife.' Though it only needed a small tap not a big push. Maybe, it was the vulnerability and warmth of actually being close to someone else. But when he commanded that she wear nothing but a bra and panties to bed and proclaimed he'd sleep in the same bed next to her, that terrified her. Alyssa backed away from him, "I think I need some air," The hacker stood up, put just as she got to the door a shooting headache hit her, she fell to the ground clutching her head, as she turned white.

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