Morning After

JP with Trustno1 and Cindy

A long night. The first of many. Dark days had come. They were being followed by long nights. Morning. Sartre awoke somewhat fatigued from using his abilities. He hoped to see the pale face of the hacker still in his arms.

Alyssa, for once, hadn't awoken yet. These attacks always wore on her, but usually, after sleeping through wasn't possible. Last night the young woman had managed it. She groggily opened her lids , to reveal her hazel eyes. Glancing towards the window, then towards Peter, Alyssa sighed. "Mornin. Have you been awake long?”

"Not long. I'm going to shower and grab you a continental breakfast. Can you just relax for me." He got up, showered, got dressed and drew the hacker a warm bath before heading down and retrieving blueberry muffins, extra bacon and energy drinks. He headed back to the room.

"OK, I'll try." The best the hacker could manage. The workaholic in her wanted to dive back into work. Alyssa's body though still felt a little like she had run a marathon.
The young woman slipped out of her nightwear and into the bath, after closing the bathroom door behind her.

The bath was warm, and inviting, it just needed some bath salts or bubble bath to make it complete.

In the headset: "I forgot, did you want coffee?" He couldn't help himself, he used his profiling ability. (regular success) In the Chip: A bubble bat huh? I'll go grab a bottle with some salts at the amenities store. He purchased the coffee and the other items, returning to the room where he placed her breakfast and coffee by her laptop before knocking on the bathroom door. "Err I got you bubbles and salts." he said.

"Coffee, would be great." Alyssa replied, into the chip. She smiled, and laughed slightly at his comments. "Thanks," she wasn't the type to want to be pampered all the time, but Alyssa supposed occasionally wouldn't hurt. The bath had a frosted door which only displayed a silhouette and left a lot to the imagination. She supposed it wasn't that different than him seeing her in a bikini or her underwear, it actually kind of showed less. "You can come in and leave if on the sink." Then adding. "Just don't linger too long.”

He laid the amenities on the sink before leaving the bathroom. Though he wanted to stay.

Once Peter left, Alyssa grabbed the bath salts and almost sprinkled them into them into the tub, then realized the water was no longer hot and the salts wouldn't dissolve well. So, she opted for the bubble bath, adding just a a little more water to foam up the soap. That was perfection.

Doing another rare thing for her, the woman lingered a little on the tub then got out. Dried herself off, wrapped a towel around her body and drained the tub. Then realized - clothes - forgotten in the other room. Walking out with her towel on. "Thanks, for well, all of this." Indicating the breakfast and the bath items."I'm not sure I can repay you for everything you did last night.”

He said, "There's no need to repay me for anything. I'm going to make sure whatever that was last night never hurts you. He made his way closer to the hacker, The others aren't here yet, I know you're anxious to get to work. I will be interested to see what you can find with your skills. before you get to work." He would whisper in her ear.

Alyssa didn't know what to say to him. He had tapped into her mind, now Peter knew things that were never discussed by her. Still, it made her feel closer to him. When he got closer to her, and ..."before you get to work" softly the words floated into her ear. She raised a brow but didn't move, wondering what he was going to do next.

He whispered and smirked, an ask only for their ears.

It had been an interesting ask. She had obliged, and only felt slightly awkward.

Soon enough, she had on her jeans, a plain red t-shirt and was sitting on the bed next to him. That's when her gaze caught sight of the CD.

The hacker texted everyone to meet in the meeting room at 11 AM. It was about 10 AM by this point so she glanced at the CD. "Who still uses CDs? This is some old tech." Certainly her laptop had no way to read it. "I think I have something in the van that can read it." Speaking to Peter.

"I can't wait to see you put it into your PC, CD's are old school. You are a very well-dressed hacker by the way.” Peter commented, “Also; do you think you will be able to research Whatever they found out from that guy at the library.”

"Let's head downstairs." The hacker sent a second message to Max, alone. Hey, Peter and I are going to look at the CD in my van. If you want to come, meet us downstairs, in the lobby.

A smile slowly formed on her lips. "You are quite distracting Agent Sartre." Her lips met his for a moment in a kiss. "Let's go." The hacker smiled at him.

After kissing her back, Peter would follow her downstairs. As they walked, he would whisper, "That knife; what did you do with it after Prue gave it to you? I wonder how she and her sisters are doing.You spent a lot of time with her in private.The one sister is still in New York." As they continued to walk towards the lobby, He was thinking to himself how and when he would discuss what he had seen the previous night, he was also wondering if the knife could be some sort of catalyst for her nightmares. He had not seen it in her possession or seen her pick it up. He wondered what the cause of the nightmares were.

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