Shepherd’s Story

"So I wake up, I have no idea who this well-dressed gentleman is, but I wake up in an apartment somewhere. He doesn't tell me his name, or why exactly he did what he did. He only gave me the bare minimum. I was something called a Kindred, He said he represented something called the tower. He explained the basic laws of the night to me. I was automatically a member of the Camarilla, That's the main faction of kindred. I also fashioned myself an artist as my "Sire" came from clan "Toreador". Fast forward; I think I can make it on my own. Eventually I stumble into the Bank of America building in Downtown Indianapolis. That was the headquarters of the "Anarch's" They were having a factional dispute with the tower. As I am a "neonate" They let me hang out with them. I would tell them of the virtues of organization, but they would get extremely angry. "I fell in love........" Eventually the Prince of Detrioit "Elder Prince Graff the Undying, came to intimidate the anarchs with his "Senechal". I knew her as Odessa Sage. A Tsmisce . She helped me survive, she helped me keep all of my humanity. There was a treaty signed between the tower and the Sabaat. Those are like the vampires that get off on being evil. It has something to do with their ancient mythology about Cain and his children. That treaty was renewed at the conclave of Tombstone in New Mexico. The Anarch's became paranoid, And I had to leave my Haven in Indianapolis."

"Well then, allow me to continue, So I move into this apartment In a building called "the flats" Odessa, she taught me blood magic until I became proficient. I would practice my blood magic almost nightly. Kolchak and his buddy Tony were in contact with this guy that was following me somehow. This guy. He was able to give them information on the occult stuff I was doing. But I couldn't track him."

“Wait,” Dahlia requested, placing a hand on his. “Slow down. Go back a bit. The tower. Do you know of Gloconda?”

"The pandemic ravage the world, you know it killed millions. I just decided to keep moving around. I'm looking for a path That The Tower can't know about. It's called "Golconda." That's why I feed on animals, I'm looking to get rid of these." The young man stood up Looking at the other two. Eventually he hissed and bared two fangs In only what could be described as an attempt to catch them in a dread gaze...........

"I can continue if you would like. The tombstone treaty was recently broken. So you people are going to see a lot more supernatural faction fighting. Those gang members that fired at Sarah Simmons. They are a splinter group of the anarchs. They called themselves the phoenix society" Prince's song "7" Is there a theme song. They want to destroy the camera really completely, including Eliminating the seven members of its inner circle. They meet every 13 years.What is strange though is That they will kill anarchs as well, anyone who gets in their way. I really don't have that much more for you, before I left the small city in Central Indiana. That guy that was in contact with Kolchak........... That dude............ That dude is like a cross between L Ron Hubbard, the Unabomber and that guy from the movie "Seven". Have you seen that movie "Seven?" The vampire's face looked as if it was in a state of panic as it thought of whoever it was referencing. Whoever this was terrified him. After asking that last question, he simply ran out of the library extremely quickly leaving only Dahila and Choi.

Choi’s brows rose as he watched the young man run out of the library. Dahlia began to breath.

“I thought we were going to need to fight there for a moment,” Dahlia responded at Choi’s raised brow.

“We have fought worse,” Choi asserted. “We better get back to the others. Looks like we’ve stumbled upon gangs of the undead!”

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