After the Library

Choi texted Alyssa, Max, Sung, Eun-Ji, and Marina that they had made some progress. Dahlia texted the same to Kat.

Back at the Hotel, Choi walked Dahlia to her room. She invited him in for a drink, and he took her up on it. While Yeong poured the drinks, Dahlia slipped into something more comfortable in the bathroom. She came out wearing nothing but an oversized button-down shirt, barely covering her assets.

Choi couldn’t help but notice her legs. He swallowed his drink hard and poured another.

“Thanks for letting me tag along with you today,” she said, talking the wine from him with a smile.

“Thank you for just being yourself,” Choi stated taking another sip of wine.

“We are learning about each other,” she admitted, “which is nice. I enjoyed today.”

”I did as well,” Choi surprisingly admitted.

“You know what?” She asked. “I think the Princess os falling for Max.”

Choi chuckled, “Powers is oblivious to it, I think.”

“What about us, Yeong?” she asked.

He took a long look at her legs and replied, “We’re closer than we were last night.”

Choi then put the glass down, stood and headed for the door. He turned around to clarify, “But not to the point where I’m ready to commit.”

Dahlia threw another bait out. “Since we’re investigating vampires, perhaps you should contact your Master Park. It may be connected to his investigation.”

Choi gave a sheepish grin. “That was to throw you off; it was a lie.”

She chuckled and grinned back. “I know. Let’s make a deal: No more shop talk unless it’s about the current case.”

“Deal!” Choi exclaimed. He opened the door. “Good night and may nature be good to you.”

“Shalom, Yeong,” Dahlia said with a bow.

He exited and went to his own room, wondering what the other teams discovered.

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