Powers and Ekaterina at the Hotel

Agent Powers read the message on his phone and gave it a smolder as he sighed. It irked him that he could not protect Alyssa all the time and to make it worse she was dealing with nightmares and getting sick. It doesn't matter how strong he is since he can't fight bad dreams or diseases. He then knocked on Alyssa's door and Sartre answered it. Agent Powers told him about the CD and gave it to him reluctantly since Alyssa was sleeping. Then he quietly left as Sartre closed the door. Agent Powers knew something was up but neither Alyssa nor Sartre were telling him everything. So he made his way back to his room and sat quietly recharging his phone while playing games on it.

Meanwhile Ekaterina was alone in her room as she was setting up her book scanner. It was a simple laptop with an adjustable overhead camera and an automatic page turner. She set it up on the dresser top since she needed the space. Once she scanned the book covers and the first two pages the page turned began to move one page at a time as the camera took a picture and downloaed the picture to the laptop. The program running organized the pages in order and would turn them into a PDF when it finished. Since it was a slow process she left it alone and fixed herself up in the mirror. She made sure she looked elegant and sexy before she was satisfied. Then she left to knock on the door of Agent Powers. After a while he opened the door and was surprised to see her. He was expecting to be alone till the next morning since Alyssa was sleeping. Ekaterina then charmed Agent Powers as she entered his room and made some small talk about scanning the book in her room and that Choi and Dahlia would check out the Library later on. Since Alyssa and Sartre were unavailable now they had some down time. So Ekaterina then began telling Agent Powers of her past as a sheltered Princess and was slowly getting him to talk about his past. After it got to late Agent Powers and Ekaterina ended their night on a nice note as the Princess went back to her room. They spent the night alone and had a plesant dream for a change.

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