The Meeting

“You mean modus tollens, correct?” Dahlia asked. “Like, where there is smoke, there’s fire? If this is true, then this is true?”

“Why can we only meet the other guy at night?” Choi inquired. “I mean, is he a vampire or something?”

The waitress brought back the drinks Choi and Dahlia ordered. Each took a sip.

"No, I meant Modius. And I'll let you find out the other things for yourselves." He handed Dahlia a paper with the address of the Gary library on it.

Dahlia looked at the paper. “Thank you, I think.” Her thoughts then went to the book. “Listen, Mr. Kolchak, do you know anything about the Stairway to the Stars?”

"I never heard of that before. I would suggest maybe looking at an arcane tome. Don't forget to give your hacker friend this file. He pointed to the CD that he had given them. Here's the number to my burner cell phone in case you need to speak or if you need my help. Good luck agents. Death waits in the dark." said Kolchak.

Meanwhile as Agent Powers and Ekaterina were keeping watch, their waitress arrived with their food. Their order was 50 hot wings and 8 fried cheese sticks. Ekaterina nibbled elegantly on a cheese stick as Agent Powers put several hot wings into his mouth and chewed the entire wing, bone and all. After he swallowed them, he grabbed a few more and chewed them up as if eating popcorn. Of course this made Ekaterina drop her jaw in shock since he should have been chocking from that. Ekaterina was not the only one who noticed Agent Powers eating the entire chicken wing by the handful. Several were gossiping as they watched the big muscular man eating. Ekaterina asked elegantly, “I know you mentioned being tough but you don’t need to impress me Mr. Powers.” Agent Powers gave Ekaterina a smolder as he chewed his wings, bone and all.

Dahlia thanked the man again, as the food was placed before Choi. If they were going to go to the library at night, it may as well be tonight.

Choi looked at the CD. “I just have one more question Mr. Kolchak. How did you know we have a hacker in our group?”

"I just knew. Years of journalistic expertise with Tony Vincenzo and our Saucer Watch network."

Choi typed the number on the piece of paper into a text. He sent a short text: This is Choi.

“There, you have my number too,” Choi announced. “If you need me, call.”

Dahlia took a bite of a French fry. “If the Templars and Dragons can work with the Illuminati, we can certainly work with you.”

"Have a good evening agents." said Kolchak.

Choi finished a bite of his burger. “You too, Night Stalker!”

He finished the burger as Dahlia helped with the fries. Both finished their drink and they said good-bye to Kolchak. Choi picked up the CD,

Approaching Powers and Kat, they nodded to acknowledge it was time to go. “It seems we have another stop to make,” Dahlia informed the others, holding up the address. Of course, Choi also saved Kolchak’s phone number.

Agent Powers and Ekaterina already finished their food when Choi came by. Then Agent Powers saw the CD and gave Choi a smolder before he asked, "Are we dropping that CD off with Alyssa before we go to this extra stop?" Ekaterina elegantly smiled as she looked at the teamwork of Choi and Dahlia and gave her a wink at her success. Then Ekaterina asked, "Will this be a stake out? If so we may need a few things."

“I guess so,” Choi admitted. “Kolchak was emphatic it go to her.”

Choi paid for everybody’s food and drinks. He was surprised that Powers didn’t have alcohol. Choi hadn’t thought Max as a teetotaler.

Choi led them to his Veloster. Dahlia again chose the front, leaving Max and Kat in the back.

Driving to the hotel, Choi thought about why they needed to meet at the library after hours. Dahlia pulled out the book from the theater and read through it, using a small penlight. She had to figure out that presence she felt in the star room. How could she get there?

Ekaterina asked Dahlia about scanning the book in her room and when Choi wanted to head to the library. Agent Powers gave them a smolder as he listened to their plans.

Choi thought it would be a good idea for them to scan in the Princess’ room. She and Max, after Max took the CD to Alyssa, could scan it while he and Dahlia went to the Library. Kolchak wouldn’t lead them to a monster, would he?

Dahlia smiled, thinking the plan good. She could get closer to the Dragon, and Kat could get closer to the Illuminati.

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